Small Wars Journal


Journal Articles are typically longer works with more more analysis than the news and short commentary in the SWJ Blog.

We accept contributed content from serious voices across the small wars community, then publish it here as quickly as we can, per our Editorial Policy, to help fuel timely, thoughtful, and unvarnished discussion of the diverse and complex issues inherent in small wars.

by Anthony Marston, by Cassandra Crosby | Tue, 06/23/2015 - 8:01am | 9 comments

“They don’t think it be like it is, but it do."


by Keith Nightingale | Mon, 06/22/2015 - 1:11am | 1 comment

In every conflict we have ever fought within any maneuver element, there has always been a person on the Point.

by David S. Maxwell | Wed, 06/17/2015 - 9:27am | 48 comments

For decades now Special Operations Forces have made numerous important contributions to the military services from equipment to tactics to actual operations

by David Isenberg | Mon, 06/08/2015 - 7:10am | 0 comments

SWJ Book Review: Ghost Fleet: A Novel of the Next World War by Peter W. Singer and August Cole

by Victor R. Morris | Fri, 06/05/2015 - 12:37am | 17 comments

Justifications for the establishment of a “Nonlinear Warfare Center of Excellence”.

by Paul Kamolnick | Fri, 06/05/2015 - 12:14am | 1 comment

On Self-Declared Caliph Ibrahim’s May 2015 Message to Muslims: Key Problems of Motivation, Marginalization, Illogic, and Empirical Delusion in the Caliphate Project

by Magdalena Defort | Thu, 06/04/2015 - 12:10am | 0 comments

This paper sheds light on the relocation of power and control over security from state to non-state armed actors.

by Octavian Manea | Wed, 06/03/2015 - 5:27am | 9 comments

A SWJ interview with Jim Thomas, Vice President and Director of Studies at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments.

by Octavian Manea | Tue, 06/02/2015 - 11:52am | 53 comments

A SWJ interview with Jakub Grygiel and Wess Mitchell, authors of Limited War is Back.

by Christopher D. Kolenda | Wed, 05/27/2015 - 4:06am | 2 comments

By educating and empowering girls in the developing world, we might eventually send fewer Americans into combat overseas.

by Tom Clarity | Tue, 05/26/2015 - 5:52am | 11 comments

The U.S. Navy’s success in future major combat operations may well be determined by its ability to reject centralized C2, establish tenets of Mission Command, and train toward its employment.

by Octavian Manea | Mon, 05/25/2015 - 2:54am | 40 comments

A Small Wars Journal interview with retired US Army Special Forces Colonel David S. Maxwell.

by Michael Coleman, by James Gannon, by Sarah Lynch, by Reginald Evans | Sun, 05/24/2015 - 4:20am | 13 comments

The program should exist independent of contingency operations, remaining instead as an established and enduring military contribution.

by Matthew Blood | Sat, 05/23/2015 - 2:44am | 1 comment

The recent success of the Nigerian government and the international coalition in the fight against Boko Haram is a welcome development.

by Matt Dabkowski, by Cheryl Sim, by Wayne W. Grigsby Jr. | Fri, 05/22/2015 - 5:38am | 0 comments

We offer 12 lessons to other individuals and organizations that may operate in similar environments conducting crisis response.

by Brian C. Leakey | Thu, 05/21/2015 - 4:51pm | 1 comment

Many commanders struggle to write effective Intent statements in a manner that clearly describe their visualization, facilitates effective planning, and provides for disciplined initiative.

by Ben Zweibelson | Thu, 05/21/2015 - 3:27pm | 10 comments

Within military coalitions and governmental organizations, the term ‘deep dive’ continues to gain in popularity and design application for complex conflict environments.

by Joseph J. Collins | Wed, 05/20/2015 - 4:37pm | 9 comments

A constellation of stars is falling on Washington.  As each of the new chiefs takes his chair, he will have to grapple with the pressing problems of strategy, programs, and budgets.

by Robert Bunker | Wed, 05/20/2015 - 4:15pm | 0 comments

Mexican Cartel Tactical Note #24: Gendarmerie Ambushed in Ocotlan, Jalisco State by Narco Commando—5 Killed, 8 Wounded

by Aaron W. Childers | Thu, 05/14/2015 - 10:28am | 8 comments

Given current adversaries and the changing nature of the world we live in today, the US Army needs to embrace Secretary Work’s advice on the need for innovation.

by Octavian Manea | Wed, 05/13/2015 - 5:58pm | 8 comments

A SWJ discussion with Emma Sky, the author of the just published book “The Unraveling: High Hopes and Missed Opportunities in Iraq”.

by Scott Stanford | Wed, 04/01/2015 - 6:21pm | 19 comments

It will come as bad news to many in the Army that there is no longer any such thing as “the enemy.”

by Nathan A. Jennings | Wed, 03/25/2015 - 7:44am | 5 comments

An entire American armored brigade in Poland, in particular, would finally capture acute historical significance.

by Victor R. Morris | Wed, 03/25/2015 - 1:09am | 9 comments

One of the current challenges involving COISTs stems from an overall military shift.

by Jeff Goodson | Tue, 03/24/2015 - 12:45am | 5 comments

It is a tenet of our system of justice that the punishment should fit the crime.

by Keith Nightingale | Sun, 03/22/2015 - 10:36pm | 7 comments

Understanding ISIS is fairly simply, resolving it as a matter of National interest is a lot harder.

by Robert Bunker | Sun, 03/22/2015 - 10:25pm | 0 comments

“Splinter Gulf Cartel drug groups fight for control of Matamoros/Reynosa.”Mexico DailyReview. 14 February 2015,

by Paul Rexton Kan | Sun, 03/15/2015 - 9:23pm | 6 comments

Many in the academic and policy communities share the notion that organized crime groups operate similarly to legitimate businesses.

by Joseph V. Moreno, by Michael Deegan | Fri, 03/13/2015 - 11:47am | 0 comments

Jordan is a key United States strategic partner. This essay provides basic information about Jordan the military practitioner should know.

by Spencer B. Meredith III | Thu, 03/12/2015 - 8:03pm | 0 comments

Special Operations Forces have the potential to prevent and deescalate many conflicts before they become outright shooting wars.

by Dan Maurer | Thu, 03/12/2015 - 4:26pm | 2 comments

The Army’s senior leadership seems to routinely probe the future when faced with a smaller Army and fewer resources than desired, and more threats than are comfortable.

by Joseph R. Núñez | Thu, 03/12/2015 - 9:52am | 37 comments

Hoping that Iran will neither add to the sectarian divide nor expand its influence and control is more than fanciful.

by Dan E. Stigall | Wed, 03/11/2015 - 11:00am | 0 comments

In an increasingly unstable world order, there has never been a greater need for international cooperation in the fight against transnational crime and terrorism.

by Arnel David | Wed, 03/11/2015 - 9:37am | 9 comments

Now, more than ever, the nation requires the Army to make fundamental changes to ensure it is prepared for the complex challenges of the future.

by Jason Rivera | Wed, 03/11/2015 - 7:35am | 0 comments

Iran perceives itself as the underdog in a protracted conflict where it is outmanned, outgunned, militarily surrounded, and diplomatically isolated.

by Marc Lindemann | Mon, 03/02/2015 - 4:47pm | 4 comments

When systems fail the drawbacks of an increasingly exclusive focus on digital-systems training – and the associated sacrifice of traditional training – become readily apparent.

by Alex Deep | Mon, 03/02/2015 - 7:06am | 63 comments

The fundamental principle of utilizing a combination of conventional and irregular methods to achieve a political objective is consistent with older forms of conflict.

by Alex Deep | Sun, 03/01/2015 - 8:34am | 7 comments

Clausewitz would laud Putin’s ability to use war as a way of achieving political ends.

by Shawn Woodford | Sat, 02/28/2015 - 4:21am | 0 comments

"America’s Modern Wars: Understanding Iraq, Afghanistan, and Vietnam" (Casemate, 2015, 376 pages, $32.95) by Christopher A. Lawrence.

by Doyle Quiggle | Thu, 02/26/2015 - 10:09am | 2 comments

In this article, I apply Jonathan Matusitz’s insights from Symbolism in Terrorism to identify and isolate the plotline of the ISIS beheading narrative.

by Morgan Smiley | Wed, 02/25/2015 - 6:48pm | 4 comments

The recent National Security Strategy (NSS) as well as events unfolding in Iraq may point the way for what we will see in the years to come and how we can expect to deal with it.

by Alex Calvo | Fri, 02/20/2015 - 8:40am | 0 comments

Last year was witness to three police operations against gangs in Catalonia, targeting the Latin Kings, the Mara Salvatrucha (MS13), and the Bloods.

by Keith Nightingale | Tue, 02/17/2015 - 8:39pm | 1 comment

It was the anniversary of the passing of Ed “Too Tall” Freeman, Congressional Medal of Honor winner and a true shepherd of the National flock.

by Philip K. Abbott | Tue, 02/17/2015 - 4:44pm | 1 comment

Outlines the root causes of Colombia’s existing security and development challenges and highlights some of the shortcomings in Colombia’s “counterinsurgency” strategy.

by Mark Smith | Mon, 02/16/2015 - 1:51pm | 0 comments

This article examines the effectiveness of the Australian Defence Force’s interaction with government and non-government agencies in ‘small wars’ since 1999.

by John Fitzpatrick | Sun, 02/15/2015 - 9:06pm | 1 comment

The hope is that this investigation will shed light on a little-remembered chapter of American history; thus providing policy makers with yet another historical data point to draw upon.

by Octavian Manea | Sat, 02/14/2015 - 1:23pm | 0 comments

Interview with Carter Malkasian, the author of “War Comes to Garmser. Thirty Years of Conflict on the Afghan Frontier”.

by Michael Bailey, by John Via | Fri, 02/13/2015 - 12:58pm | 0 comments

Given global urbanization trends, the Army must be prepared to confront challenges arising in megacities to remain a relevant instrument of national power.

by John P. Sullivan, by Adam Elkus | Mon, 02/02/2015 - 6:05pm | 2 comments

While it would be tempting to posit Paris as another bloody data point explained by our conceptual schema, Paris is in fact cause for broadening and expanding it.

by John Bolton | Mon, 02/02/2015 - 11:53am | 4 comments

Within Army culture there is a basic misunderstanding regarding Standards and Rules. They are not the same, despite a long-standing military belief in equivalence.