Small Wars Journal

10/30/23 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Mon, 10/30/2023 - 8:40am

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Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

1. Israel says its war can both destroy Hamas and rescue hostages. Their families are less certain
2. Deadly explosion off Nigeria points to threat posed by aging oil ships around the world
3. How to End the US Marine Corps’ Intellectual Civil War
4. Israel's Strategic Challenge
5. China touts its plan for global security, with Russia by its side
6. As Violence Surges, Nations Seek U.S. Defense Pacts. Some Americans Are Wary.
7. Early stages of Israeli ground assault in Gaza shrouded in secrecy
8. Retired general ‘can only hope’ Iran, proxies don’t escalate Middle East conflict (General Robert Abrams)
9. Scoop: Saudi defense minister to visit White House amid fears of regional war
10. US to build new nuclear gravity bomb
11. Old video shows US Army arriving in Romania, not Marines landing in Israel
12. Russia's Shoigu accuses West of seeking to expand Ukraine war to Asia-Pacific
13. Fierce clashes in Gaza as Israeli forces expand ground offensive
14. Exclusive: US military bulk buys Japanese seafood to counter China ban
15. More ‘Buy America’ provisions threaten our industrial base and national security
16. Difficulties, Constraints and the Cost of Removing Hamas from Power
17. What America Wants From China
18. No, Xi Jinping Is Not About to Attack Taiwan
19. The Other Group of Viruses That Could Cause the Next Pandemic
20. A World at War
21. As the Israel-Hamas war rages, the U.S. wants to offer Israel advice — and get advised
22. America’s Three-Front War

Korean News Content:

1. 100 U.S. nuclear weapons should be committed to supporting S. Korea's security against N.K. threats: report
2. RAND Report: Options for Strengthening ROK Nuclear Assurance
3. <Inside N. Korea> Food conditions improve in northern part as newly harvested potatoes, lessening concerns about starvation
4. Seoul slams N. Korea's money laundering, vows efforts to ban inflow of 'black money'
5. N. Korean vessel stranded near eastern maritime border rescued by N.K. authorities: JCS
6. IMF Hails Korea's Fiscal Austerity
7. Reshuffle of S. Korea's top military brass erases legacy of Moon's NK policies
8. North Korea's next satellite launch unlikely to make deadline
9. US, South Korea, Australia commence air-defense drills on heels of ground exercises
10. Hard-up North closes embassies in Africa as sanctions sting
11. Yoon, Kishida receive Kennedy’s ‘Profile in Courage Award’
12. Reshuffling is needed, but stability also matters (ROK Military)
13. Saudi-S Korea in a rich and wide mega-project embrace
14. US needs 'strategic clarity' on North Korea deterrence: report

10/29/23 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sun, 10/29/2023 - 11:19am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

1.  Netanyahu Announces Second Phase of Gaza Operations
2. Israel: Beyond Deterrence by Sir Lawrence Freedman
3. The President Should Approve this last weapon system   and it will help win the war:  M26/M26A1 HIMARS Rockets
4. Israel Pounds Gaza Strip, Dismissing Calls for Cease-Fire
5. Allies Fear US Is Overextended as Global Conflicts Spread
6. US-China stuck in a cycle of tit-for-tat ironies
7. China, U.S. Look to a Biden-Xi Summit While Wrestling Tensions
8. ASEAN joint military drills pointed daintily at China
9. What Would Teddy Roosevelt Say About Russia, Hamas, and China?
10. The culture war over the Gaza war
11. Fog of war: Myanmar’s armed conflict is not a stalemate
12. Israel’s new plan to encircle Hamas
13. China to tighten its state secrets law in biggest revision in a decade
14. Ukraine War Rages in Shadow of Israel Conflict
15. Task force to combat false reports (Taiwan)
16. Taiwan takes security lessons from Hamas, Ukraine surprise attacks
17. I Might Have Once Favored a Cease-Fire With Hamas, but Not Now by Dennis B. Ross
18. The U.S. Military: Second-Rate and Loving It
19. How the Left Overestimates US Power
20. Why MAGA scares me so much | Column by Robert Bruce Adolph
21. The Israel-Hamas War Has Entered a ‘New Phase.’ Here’s What to Expect.
22. Otto K. Liller Obituary, A Cherished Soul Has Passed Away
23. What is the 'axis of resistance' of Iran-backed groups in the Middle East?
24. Interactive Map: Israel’s Operation in Gaza
25. Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, October 28, 2023
26. Iran Update, October 28, 2023

Korean News Content:

1.  Naval Operations Commander Vice Adm. Kim Myung-soo named as new JCS chairman
2. S. Korean patrol ship spots N.K. vessel stranded near eastern maritime border: JCS
3. Yoon vows to create safe country on 1st anniversary of Itaewon tragedy
4. The Hunt for Crypto’s Most Famous Fugitive. ‘Everyone Is Looking for Me.’4.
5. S. Korea play N. Korea to draw in women's Olympic football qualifying match
6. Navy provides humanitarian aid to NK ship near East Sea border
7. Stop China’s repatriation of North Koreans
8. Ruling party's innovation committee off to rocky start
9. Northern lights and Korea
10. North Korean Hackers Are Trying to Stage Another Supply Chain Hack
11. This Country Punishes Three Generations Of The Convict For Committing A Crime (north Korea)
12. South Korea, US troops hold drills with drones, laser sensors
13. Does North Korea have its own TikTok?


Perspective – Drone Proliferation in the Conflict Zones: Who are the Suppliers and Users?

Sat, 10/28/2023 - 6:02pm

Perspective – Drone Proliferation in the Conflict Zones: Who are the Suppliers and Users?

Mahmut Chengiz

The 7 October 2023 Hamas terrorist attacks have increased tension in the Middle East, and attacks by Iran-backed militia groups threaten United States (US) officials, interests, and American military bases. These groups have already launched multiple drone attacks on US forces in Iraq and Syria. US officials are worried about being exposed to a ramping-up of attacks by these militia groups targeting Americans.

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), also known as drones, have evolved from reconnaissance tools to deadly weapons. Drones play critical roles in changing wars and become tools in the hands of fighting groups in the conflict zones. Increasing interest in acquiring drones makes its proliferation inevitable, and today, state actors and non-state actors, composed of militia groups, insurgents, and terrorist organizations, procure these drones. Its deployment in the conflict regions complicates the security environment further.

States have deployed drones to provide round-the-clock surveillance and carry out targeted strikes, even in foreign countries, which could result in legal and human rights issues. In some cases, these drones violate territorial sovereignty and cause collateral damage, raising questions about legality, secrecy, and absence of government accountability.     

Among the non-state actors, terrorist organizations occupy a special place in deploying more complex and technological weapons. Terrorist groups are rarely random and senseless in their tactics and prefer weapons that can cause high impact and more deaths. The Annex of Statistical Information: Country Reports on Terrorism 2021 enumerates a variety of weapon types used by terrorist organizations, ranging from firearms, Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), incendiaries, and mines, to rockets, grenades, mortars, and knives. The most prevalent weapon type is firearms, followed by IEDs. UAVs are another weapon type that receives increasing interest from terrorist groups.   

A specific focus on UAV deployment shows that the Global Terrorism Trends and Analysis Center (GTTAC) Incidents Records of Database (or GRID) recorded 452 incidents from 2018 to the first nine months of 2023. These incidents were attributed to a specific perpetrator in 379 incidents, and 73 incidents were by unknown perpetrators. The breakdown of these incidents in the same period indicated that drone attacks were the highest in 2021 but then decreased in 2022, as seen in Figure 1 below. However, there will likely be an uptick at the end of the year in 2023, given the fact that the US military bases in Syria and northern Iraq, after Hamas’s 7 October 2023 terrorist attacks, have been targeted with drones by Iran-backed groups.  

F! Chengiz

Figure 1: UAV Attacks from 2018 to 2023 (January through September)

Figure 2 below shows the countries where drone attacks occur. The analysis of this Figure brings three types of perpetrators into the front: (a) Attacks of Iran-backed groups in Yemen, Syria, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia, (b) Jihadist groups in Syria, and (c) Anti-Junta forces in Myanmar. 

F@ Chengiz

Figure 2: Countries Targeted by UAV Attacks from 2018 to 2023 (January through September)

Iran-backed Groups

Known for its steadfast attitude to possessing nuclear materials and its politics and policies sponsoring terrorism, Iran has actively sought global influence. Its policies are more extensive and grave than those beyond forming terrorist groups and being influential over Turkish politics, creating armed militant groups such as Popular Mobilization Forces and its offshoot organizations in Iraq, provoking and arming Shia groups in Yemen, seeking power through Shia diaspora in Latin America, seeking influence over the Shia population in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and using surrogate and proxy organizations in Syria. Additionally, Iran has become an active supplier of drones. The country started building a drone fleet in the 1980s. Today, its fleet ranges from small, lightweight, short-range systems to medium and heavy UAVs in the intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance roles. The vast majority of UAVs are manufactured in Iran.

Drone sales generate revenue for the government in Iran, whose economy remains under sanction pressure. Its drones attract customers from Central Asia, Europe, Latin America, and Africa. For example, the journalists identified an armed Iran-made Mohajer-6 drone in Tigray Province, where Ethiopian forces batted against insurgent groups in 2021. Iran inaugurated a factory in 2022 to produce sophisticated armed drones in Tajikistan. Sudan and Venezuela are two other countries that purchased drones from Iran. Of course, the most significant market for Iran-manufactured drones is Russia. Its supply of lethal drones to Russia sparked international interest and alarm. Iran reportedly supplied 1,700 drones to Russia by the end of 2022. The developing plan between Russia and Iran produced 6,000 Iranian models at a new facility in Russia in early 2023. 

In addition to the conventional army and Navy, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) provides UAVs to its regional proxies, which offers Iran plausible deniability about its link to any attack source. The Houthis in Yemen, Hamas in Gaza, and Popular Mobilization Forces in Iraq use drones that have Iranian fingerprints. Iran is sponsoring and backing terrorist groups based on its three exporting terrorism strategies: (a) sponsoring every jihadist group fighting against the United States, (b) providing arms and explosives and training to groups targeting Israel, and (c) aiming to safeguard Shia groups targeted by Sunni groups in the conflict zones. Its conflicting strategies swing back and forth according to the interests of the paranoid regime. The regime’s strong links with the terrorist group have made Iran the biggest drone supplier. Figure 3 below demonstrates drone attacks by the groups backed by Iran, which committed 76 percent of terrorist incidents, whose perpetrators were recorded as known.

F3 Chengiz

Figure 3: UAV Attacks by Iran-backed Groups from 2018 to 2023 (January through September)

Figure 4 below, shows that Hezbollah used drones in 11 attacks that aimed to target Israel from Lebanon, but Israeli defense systems intercepted its drones in 2021 and 2022. For example, Hezbollah used Iran-supplied aerial surveillance drones and launched three Iran-made drones to target Israeli gas rigs in June 2022. The Iran-backed militia in Iraq also received support from Iran. Popular Mobilization Forces and its offshoots have actively become involved in drone attacks targeting Iraqi politicians and US military bases. For example, Iran-backed militias struck the home of Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi with an Iran-supplied explosive-laden drone in 2021. Houthis is the leading group with the most drone attacks whose drones targeted opposition forces in Yemen and Saudi Arabia, as seen in Figure 4 below, where Saudi Arabia recorded 169 drone attacks from 2018 to the first nine months of 2023. Houthis’ drones also targeted United Arab Emirates (UAE) in 2022 as well. Hamas is another organization in the category of Iran-backed groups, deploying drones in its attacks. The Department of State’s Counterterrorism Reports on Terrorism in 2021 underlined that Iran continued providing weapon systems and other support to Hamas. The organization launched drones from the Gaza Strip to target Israel.

The Houthis occupy a special place in the list of groups backed by Iran. It is the group with the most drone attacks, as seen in Figure 4 below. Houthis, a Zaydi Shiite movement, has been fighting Yemen’s Sunni-majority government since 2004. The group was able to seize control over much of north Yemen by 2016. Yemeni officials have reported that Iran and its proxy Hezbollah have provided arms, training, and financial support to the Houthis.       

F4 Chengiz

Figure 4: Groups Using UAVs in Their Attacks from 2018 to 2023 (January through September)

Jihadist Groups

ISIS and Al Qaeda groups have rarely made notable attacks in the Western world since the September 11 attacks. However, they enjoy operating through their affiliated organizations, particularly in the conflict zones. They have successfully found a place in the agendas of Western governments due to their increasing number of attacks and spreading influence in Africa. They have continued to use low-profile tactics and make attacks to survive in Afghanistan, Syria, and Iraq. Amongst these groups, Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), an Al Qaeda-affiliated organization operating in the Idlib province of Syria, used drones in its six attacks, as seen in Figure 4 above. Its first attack was recorded in 2019, in which HTS targeted Russian Khmeimim Airbase with rockets and armed drones. Its two drone attacks collaborated with the Turkestan Islamic Party in 2020 and continued to target the Russian military base in Syria. The group’s attack in 2022 targeted the Syrian Arab Army and killed five Syrian soldiers.     

Anti-junta Forces in Myanmar

Myanmar is another country recording a high number of drone attacks. It is the country with the longest civil war. Insurgencies have been ongoing since 1948, and they are primarily ethnic-based. In the early years, the Karen National Union and communist insurgencies fought against the central government, followed by the involvement of the Kachin Independence Army. These ethnic armed groups rose and fell over the years. The most recent coup took place in 2021, in which the Myanmar military successfully toppled the elected Myanmar government and formed a military junta. The bloody repression of anti-coup demonstrations resulted in the creation of armed groups that convened under the banner of the People’s Defense Force (PDF). The number of violence fitting the definition of terrorism increased from 177 in 2020 to 380 in 2021 and to 468 in 2022 in Myanmar. The PDF was responsible for 62 attacks in 2021 but 201 in 2022. According to Figure 4 above, the group used drones in 44 attacks, followed by the Karen National Liberation Army, which deployed drones in seven attacks. It seems that the use of drones in the Myanmar conflict has been a new trend since the majority of drone attacks were recorded in the first nine months of 2023. Anti-junta forces believe that drones are effective, safe, and require little human resources to operate.

Contrary to failed drones by Iran-backed militia groups that rarely led to the death of people or caused property damage in Israel or Saudi Arabia, drones used by PDF caused severe human and property damage. For example, its drone attack in December 2022 targeted a Buddhist Temple, killed a monk, and wounded two others. Another December drone attack in the same year killed five soldiers. The PDF’s drone attack on January 2023 bombed military troops and killed two soldiers. Another attack targeting a police station killed three police officers in February 2023. The PDF’s attacks in the following months continued to record killings in drone attacks. As opposed to anti-junta forces, the Tatmadaw army also uses drones to leverage intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capacities. The supplier of drones for the Tatmadaw army and rebel groups is China.


To conclude, drones have been a trending weapon type for state and non-state actors. State actors use drones for intelligence surveillance and assist in target acquisition to increase precision and lethality from ground-based systems. Terrorist groups use drones either to deliver explosives to a target or to do reconnaissance. An analysis of GRID indicates three main categories of drone users. First, Iran-backed militia groups in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen deploy drones to target local military forces and American military bases. Hamas, Hezbollah, and Houthis are the three largest groups using drones to target Israeli forces and American officials. Iran is the supplier of drones for these groups. The October 7 attacks have elevated the threat level of Americans and American assets being targeted in the Middle East with drone attacks. The second major category of drone users based on an analysis of GRID data are jihadist terrorist groups; the Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) is one of the drone users. The third and final category in Myanmar comprises anti-junta forces that target the junta government, supplied mainly by China.   

10/28/23 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sat, 10/28/2023 - 10:55am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

1. Where do US Army special operations fit in a world of strategic competition?

2. Hamas Puts Its Pogrom on Video

3. Assault into Gaza – The Challenges of Israel’s Expanded Ground Operation by Mick Ryan

4. Israel’s Military Tech Fetish Is a Failed Strategy

5. China passes new law to promote ‘love of motherland’ in schools

6. Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, October 27, 2023

7. Iran Update, October 27, 2023

8. Opinion | The U.S. is walking a familiar tightrope on Israel

9. Female-led IDF combat squad eliminates nearly 100 Hamas terrorists in firefights along border, report says

10. Ex-Pentagon Adviser: US, Israel Special Forces tried to enter Gaza but were 'shot to pieces'

11. U.S. Quietly Expands Secret Military Base in Israel

12. How Many Wars Can America Fight at the Same Time?

13. US ‘forced to EVACUATE Syria bases after huge wave of Iran-backed attacks’ as region set to blow amid Israel-Gaza war

14. The 'SPONGE bomb' Israel are hoping to use to disable Hamas tunnels: New gadget expands and hardens, filling underground passageways

15. Wartime Deepfakes Really Are Blurring Reality, First Major Study Finds

16. Do deepfake videos undermine our epistemic trust? A thematic analysis of tweets that discuss deepfakes in the Russian invasion of Ukraine

17. Covert CCP social media accounts bolster China’s united front work in Canada

18. U.S. Tries New Tack on Russian Disinformation: Pre-Empting It

19. Urban Warfare, Sieges, and Israel’s Looming Invasion of Gaza

20. 'No more sticky notes': Army consolidating 43 incompatible data systems to just 2

21. Romania Is at a Dangerous Tipping Point

22. T-AOS: A New Model for Competition (AFSOC)

23. Meet Nightshade, the new tool allowing artists to ‘poison’ AI models with corrupted training data

24. Watchdog files complaint over photo revealing identities of Delta Force soldiers

25. Philippines Drops China Railway Deals, Seeks Other Funders

26. A Plan for Peace in Gaza

27. The Decolonization Narrative Is Dangerous and False

28. Tell Me How This Ends (Gaza)

Korean News Content:

1. N. Korea's cybertheft last year estimated at $1.7 billion: U.N. panel report

2. N. Korean FM slams trilateral statement on arms transfer to Russia

3. Key developments on North Korea this week

4. North Korea orders citizens to make nail boards as escape deterrent

5. North Korean Forced Labor in the U.S. Seafood Supply Chain

6. Bin Salman asks Yoon for Korean companies' participation in Neom City

7. Can the innovation committee succeed?

8. Can Yoon Suk-yeol Break South Korea’s Decades-Old Political Curse?

9. How Do South Koreans View Gender Discrimination?

10. South Korea's reserve forces need to emulate the US

11. [Expert Survey] ① Biden North Korea Policy Rating ‘C’

10/27/23 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Fri, 10/27/2023 - 11:26am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

1. Israeli poll finds 49% support for holding off on Gaza invasion
2. U.S. Strikes Iranian-Linked Targets in Syria
3. Ukraine hints Putin contriving second front as Hamas visits Moscow
4. After Biden meeting, new Speaker Johnson says GOP won't abandon Ukraine but will aid Israel first
5. Israel’s Army Is Ready to Invade Gaza. Its Divided Government May Not Be.
6. What helped change the US Army counterinsurgency doctrine? » Wavell Room
7. Lessons from the Chinese Conquest of Taiwan More than Three Centuries Ago
8. Release of hostages requires ceasefire, Hamas official says
9. ‘Everything is destroyed’: Civilians trickle out of Avdiivka as Russian assault leaves Ukrainian town in ruins
10. Ukraine war orders starting to boost revenues for big US defense contractors
11. Mideast in focus as US, China meet to pave way for Biden-Xi summit
12. China's Wang tells Blinken 'in-depth' dialogue can steady ties
13. China and the US appear to restart military talks
14. ‘Viet Cong times 10’: underground warfare awaits Israeli troops in Gaza
15. White House says Russia is executing its own soldiers for not following orders
16.  US Scrambled to Assign Intel Analysts to Hamas After Attack
17. Iran Threatens US With 'Fire' if Israel Doesn’t Stop Attacks on Gaza
18. Most Popular Cryptocurrency Keeps Showing Up in Illicit Finance
19. Israel’s Laws of War
20. The Meaning of Terrorism: When tragedy strikes, we should be careful about how we describe it.
21. Joint Press Statement for Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III's Call With Philippine Secretary of National Defense Gilberto Teodoro Jr.

Korean News Content:

1. Hamas uses N Korea, Iran arms in its Israel assault, military says
2. S. Korea, U.S. to stage joint large-scale air drills next week
3. OKN’s Continuing Engagement with North Korean Defectors and Ambassadors for North Korean Human Rights of South Korea and the United States
4. S. Korea warned Russia it will not sit idly by if Moscow hands over missile technology to N. Korea: FM
5. Arrival of N. Korean arms in Russia 'almost certain': British defense ministry
6. Defense chief says N. Korea keeps violating 2018 military agreement near maritime buffer zone
7. Unification minister says N.K. leader's daughter could be successor
8. Is Korea Losing Its Competitive Edge?
9. ROK-US navy forces conduct massive maritime exercise
10. Is there feasible way to tackle South Korea's shrinking military manpower?
11. South Korean and US forces stage drills for reaction to possible 'Hamas-style' attack by North Korea
12.  What North Korea Is Learning from the Hamas-Israel War
13. Haunted by Guilt, Vilified Online: A Year After the Seoul Crowd Crush
14. South Korea Must Return Buddhist Statue to Japan, Supreme Court Says
15. Meet the Pastor Who Has Helped 1,000 People Escape North Korea


10/26/23 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Thu, 10/26/2023 - 10:14am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

1. Defense Leader Discusses Progress of National Defense Strategy
2. Ministers’ Sacking Shows Cracks in China’s Leadership
3. Analyzing "information campaigns" through an anachronistic lens
4. Israeli troops carry out hourslong ground raid into Gaza before an expected wider incursion
5. California Gov. Newsom has surprise meeting with China's leader Xi amid warm welcome in Beijing
6. Israel to delay ground invasion so US can position missile defense: Report
7. A Political Reawakening?
8. Israel, US are losing the influence war over Gaza—but the Palestinians aren’t winning
9. US wants to build more arms with Pacific allies
10. Biden's post-war plan: Talks on a two-state solution to Israeli-Palestinian conflict
11. Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, October 25, 2023
12. Iran Update, October 25, 2023
13. Hamas Fighters Trained in Iran Before Oct. 7 Attacks
14.  Qatar’s War for Young American Minds
15. Ukrainian Pilots Start Training on the F-16 in Arizona
16. The Disgrace of the United Nations on Israel
17. Can China Help in the Middle East?
18. Can Israel Win the Messaging War?
19. The five-front war that the US is unprepared to fight
20. New Rule of Law Index: Spread of Authoritarianism Slows But Justice Systems Are Failing
21. The Battle of the Tunnels is about to begin in Gaza
22. Time to Pull Back From The Mighty Greenback?
23.  What Palestinians Really Think of Hamas
24. Why Smart Leaders Do Stupid Things

Korean News Content:

1. US and allies confirm North Korea-Russia ‘deleterious’ arms deal
2.  South Korea, US and Japan condemn North Korea's alleged supply of munitions to Russia
3. PACAF Leaders Visit South Korea Bases and Talk Readiness
4. South Korea seeks to beef up annual amphibious drills with more US Marines
5. Korea, US launch joint rare earth project in Vietnam
6. <Inside N. Korea> A recent report on conditions at farms (4) Telescopic lens shows the present conditions in North Korea’s farming communities
7. Yoon vows to revive spirit of ex-president Park Chung-hee
8. Mother of Travis King, soldier charged with desertion to North Korea, says family plans to 'fight charges hard'
9. NK blames Israel over Gaza hospital blast
10.  Korea's democratic erosion
11. Ruling camp's reform
12. ‘NIS meddling in politics with claims of election hacking’: Democratic Party of Korea
13. How did the Koreans and Jews endure?
14. US House to adopt resolution for ‘Kimchi Day’
15. US Navy Special Operations in the Korean War
16. U.S. AI firm WEKA opens 1st Asia-Pacific regional office in Seoul
17. No imminent sign of N. Korea's spy satellite launch: unification ministry
18. Hyesan residents turn to soy milk to make kimchi this year
19. North Korean police arrest ten people for drug dealing

10/25/23 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Wed, 10/25/2023 - 10:06am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

1. Behind the Curtain: Inside Biden's slow-walking Middle East strategy
2. Where is the moral compass of the campus?
3. Net outflow of funds from China hits 7-year high in September
4. Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, October 24, 2023
5. Iran Update, October 24, 2023
6. Jamie Dimon: 'The most serious thing facing mankind is nuclear proliferation'
7. Hamas is Using North Korean Weapons Against Israel
8. What Happens if Israel Strikes Iran?
9. M39 Missile: Made In the USA, Smashing Putin Hard in Ukraine War
10. Ukraine’s American-Made M39 Missiles May Have Wrecked 21 Russian Helicopters In A Single Operation
11. US troops were attacked 13 times in Iraq and Syria in past week, Pentagon confirms
12. The Return of Nuclear Escalation: How America’s Adversaries Have Hijacked Its Old Deterrence Strategy
13. From Risk to Resilience: How Economies Can Thrive in a World of Threats
14. Washington should brace for new Polish preferences in arms suppliers
15. China said the US is a disruptor of peace in response to Pentagon report on China’s military buildup
16. Army Air Defense Units from 3 Bases Are Deploying to Middle East After 13 Drone Attacks
17. Governments and hackers agree: the laws of war must apply in cyberspace
18. Hamas operatives used phone lines installed in tunnels under Gaza to plan Israel attack over 2 years, sources familiar with intelligence say
19. Putin and Xi: Beijing Belt and Road meeting highlighted Russia’s role as China’s junior partner
20. The Sources of American Power: A Foreign Policy for a Changed World By Jake Sullivan
21. How the DC Metro is a tool for the military industrial complex
22. Secret U.S. War in Lebanon Is Tinder for Escalation of Israel–Gaza Conflict
23. Violent videos and ‘brutal voyeurism’ are redefining modern war
24. Congress must scrutinize the US spending spree on global crises
25. 11 Cases of Psychological Warfare Throughout History

Korean News Content:

1. Hamas is Using North Korean Weapons Against Israel
2. Jamie Dimon: 'The most serious thing facing mankind is nuclear proliferation'
3. The Return of Nuclear Escalation: How America’s Adversaries Have Hijacked Its Old Deterrence Strategy
4. N Korean leader pushes for anti-US front expansion, courts China
5. Experts: Americans are eating fish processed by slaves
6. S. Korea, US hold joint special operations drills
7. Significant civilian casualties inevitable in case of Hamas-like NK assault: experts
8. Man in South Korea fined for assaulting soldiers who refused to praise Kim Jong Un, Putin
9. [Top Envoy] S. Korea is done with ‘strategic ambiguity,’ ex-envoy says
10. North Korean programmers used a hosted laptop to freelance online, says FBI
11.  Army to Recruit Cyber Warriors (ROK)
12. Gov't urged to prepare for rise in N. Korean defections by sea
13. 11 Cases of Psychological Warfare Throughout History
14. [SPECIAL REPORT] Korean society grows more diverse but still struggles with multicultural integration
15. N. Korea to close its embassy in Uganda: report
16. <Inside N. Korea>Opium addicts rise again as stimulants remain almost completely unavailable…Why? The police quickly clamp down on manufacture of drug

10/24/23National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Tue, 10/24/2023 - 9:06am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

1. United Nations Day 24 October
2. The Army wants to see more ‘creativity’ from special operations forces
3. Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, October 23, 2023
4. Iran Update, October 23, 2023
5. After Hamas Attacks, Terror Threats Are on the Rise
6. IntelBrief: Iran’s Role in Mideast Crisis Widens Rift with the West
7. Ukrainian spies with deep ties to CIA wage shadow war against Russia
8. Pentagon rushes defenses and advisers to Middle East as Israel's ground assault in Gaza looms
9. Is Israel's Iron Dome missile defense system ironclad?
10. Joseph Nye says China, U.S. need to "power with" rather than "power over" other countries
11. Michael Pillsbury defends One China Policy in Beijing, slams Pompeo's proposal to formally recognize Taiwan
12. SOF & Irregular Warfare Symposium (Nov 2023) | SOF News
13. Freed Israeli hostage says Hamas treated her well after initial violence
14. IntelBrief: What Follows Hamas in Gaza?
15. America Must Find a Way to Ensure Israel Crushes Hamas without Destroying Gaza
16. U.S. Strategic Posture ‘Insufficient’ for Future Threat, Report Finds
17. With Their Soldiers Poised to Attack, Israelis Try to Decipher the Delay
18. Pentagon outlines multiple Chinese attack plans for Taiwan
19.  US defense department to send delegation to Xiangshan forum
20. Army may add electronic warfare training as early as boot camp
21. Not all in China’s military view Taiwan, the West as primary threat
22. China Dismisses Defense Minister Amid Swirl of Speculation
23. China’s top diplomat to visit D.C. amid tensions over South China Sea, Israel
24. Elite Universities Face Donor Revolt Over Mideast Conflict
25. How China Could Turn Crisis to Catastrophe
26. Beijing Stages Charm Offensive to Pave Way for Xi Trip
27. The Enemies of Freedom Are Deadlier Than Ever
28. Understanding Insurgency and Counterinsurgency Through the Lens of Civil War

Korean News Content:

1. North Korea’s Covert Alliance With Iran Aligned Militias in the Middle East
2. Putin Launches ‘New Evil Empire’ With North Korea and Hamas
3. How Putin, Xi and Kim could use Israel crisis as 'invitation' to unleash hell
4. US-Japan-South Korea Drill a ‘New Era’ for Defense Ties
5. New Film “Beyond Utopia” Offers Glimpse Into Life As A North Korean
6. US, South Korea conduct anti-submarine warfare exercise near Guam
7. 4 N. Koreans cross eastern sea border in apparent defection bid
8. Defense chief, U.S. envoy discuss joint efforts to deter N. Korean threats
9. Marine chief says suspended live-fire drills on border islands need to be resumed
10. <Inside N. Korea> A recent report on conditions at farms (3) Thieves from the cities lead to strict monitoring of farming areas…farmers face tough times trying to earn cash
11. S Korea detains boat carrying suspected N Korean escapees
12. Number of N. Korean defectors entering S. Korea more than triples on-year in Jan.-Sept. period
13. Pyongsan Political Prison Camp inmates forced to work in uranium mines
14. Trade between Russia and N. Korea spikes after Kim Jong Un’s state visit last month

10/23/23 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Mon, 10/23/2023 - 9:19am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

1. Hearts Beat Strongest in Response to Noble Ideals (remarks from the OSS Society President)

2. The Four Questions The U.S. Military Should Be Asking About Operation Swords of Iron

3. China stealing technology secrets -- from AI to computing and biology, "Five Eyes" intelligence leaders warn

4. Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, October 22, 2023

5. Iran Update, October 22, 2023

6. Israel strikes across Gaza after allowing another small aid convoy into the besieged enclave

7. A price cap on Russian oil aims to starve Putin of cash. But it's largely been untested. Until now

8. US renews warning it will defend treaty ally Philippines after Chinese ships rammed Manila vessels

9. Americans Back Israel but Are Wary of Getting Pulled Into Conflict, WSJ-Ipsos Poll Finds

10. Israel-Hamas War Revives Interest in U.S. Production of Iron Dome Missiles

11.  Ike carrier strike group headed to the Middle East

12. We must ditch the ‘stalemate’ metaphor in Ukraine’s war

13. Testing of Navy SEALs May Unveil Scale of Performance-Enhancing Drug Use -- and Unleash Legal Battles

14. China outs yet another national as US ‘spy’, says he was groomed during visiting scholar stint

15.  Shooting for the moon: Army’s 2025 budget to reflect artillery revamp

16. How Will the IDF Handle Urban Combat? by David Kilcullen

17. How the CIA’s top-ranking woman beat the agency’s men at their own game

18. Special Operations News - October 23, 2023 | SOF News

19. House Chaos Imperils Reauthorization of Critical National Security Tool

20. Blinken, Austin Say US Is Ready to Respond if US Personnel Become Targets of Israel-Hamas War

21. A Catastrophic Success for Hamas?

22. Futile military solutions cannot solve political problems

23. America Is a Root Cause of Israel and Palestine’s Latest War

Korean News Content:

1. Rights watchdog urges main opposition party to designate board members for launch of N. Korean Human Rights Foundation

2. Rights groups warn of forced repatriation of N.K. defectors from China to N. Korea

3. Fed Rate Moves Squeeze a Key U.S. Ally

4. Seoul eyes big special ops helicopters; poised to order three tactical transports

5. S. Korea vows to bolster defense system against N. Korean missile threat

6.  N. Korea blames U.S. for instigating Israel-Hamas conflict

7. Naturalized Korean doctor Yohan Ihn appointed as PPP innovation committee chief

8. IMF: ‘S. Korea could be the biggest victim of US-China de-risking’

9. N Korea calls for condemnation of US over Israel conflict

10. Senior diplomats of S. Korea, U.S. discuss supply chains, energy

11. Defense chief reiterates call to suspend 2018 inter-Korean military agreement

12. [INTERVIEW] Ban Ki-moon still devoted to building better future for all

13. [INTERVIEW] Taiwan calls on Korea and like-minded nations to help fight off China's threats

14. S. Korea, Saudi Arabia ‘in final stages’ of agreeing large-scale defense cooperation