Small Wars Journal

11/6/23 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Mon, 11/06/2023 - 5:16am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

1. A Secret War, Strange New Wounds, and Silence From the Pentagon
2. Don’t be concerned over one million artillery shells North Korea sent Russia, only 4% are in working condition – Dyky
3. CIA chief visiting Israel and other Middle East nations as war in Gaza grinds on
4. Zelenskyy: War with Russia is not a stalemate
5. Blinken Rushes to Reassure Anxious Arab Allies in Surprise Trips to West Bank, Iraq
6. A Deadly Strike on a Ukrainian Village Was an Inside Job. Who Tipped Off the Russians?
7. Hacker collectives take sides in the Mideast crisis
8. Seven ways China can benefit from the Israel-Hamas war
9. How are global powers engaging with the Pacific? And who is most effective? These 5 maps provide a glimpse
10. The Recruiter: Spying and the Lost Art of American Intelligence by Douglas London (Book Review)
11. Opinion: Ukraine - Advancing Science and Freedom During Wartime
12.  Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, November 5, 2023
13. Iran Update, November 5, 2023
14. China’s Two-Faced Approach to Gaza
15. ‘An Existential Threat to American Higher Education’
16. The Israel Op
17. The Biden Doctrine: Show Strength, Whisper Restraint

Korean News Content:

1. US secretaries of state, defense to visit S. Korea amid N. Korean satellite launch preparations
2. N. Korea claims it achieved world's strongest nuclear force
3. Rodong Sinmun Condemns Military Collusion among U.S., Japan and South Korean Puppet Forces
4. Int'l Affairs Commentator on Present Crisis of U.S. Administration
5. N. Korea designates 'missile industry day' for test-launch of ICBM
6. Yoon's approval rating up for 2 consecutive weeks
7. S. Korea suspends stock short selling until start of July 2024
8. N. Korea warns of nuclear capabilities as S. Korea, US, Japan up military cooperation
9. Direct and indirect human rights abuses in forced repatriation
10.  The lives of North Korea's 'strongest soldiers'
11. Uniting with Europe for the Sino-U.S. war
12. S. Korean family fleeing Gaza departs for Seoul via Egypt
13. Hamas Leader: 'Alliance' With North Korea a Way to Strike US
14. Don’t be concerned over one million artillery shells North Korea sent Russia, only 4% are in working condition – Dykyi
15. <Inside N. Korea> A recent report on conditions at farms (5) Telescopic lens captures conditions in farming communities – 2 The highly-fortified border is akin to a disputed zone…why?
16. The Biden Doctrine: Show Strength, Whisper Restraint

OSS Society William J. Donovan Award Dinner - Presentations and Acceptance Speeches

Sun, 11/05/2023 - 4:45pm

These award presentations are testaments to both the person for whom the award is named and the honoree. All are great Americans who have served our nation with great honor, integrity, courage, and distinction.  Each is the epitome of selfless service.  We should all be inspired to live up to their examples.

Access all the recordings can be accessed at the YouTube website HERE or accessed individually below.


Hearts Beat Strongest in Response to Noble Ideals by Charles Pinck

The OSS Society





William J Donovan Award

The OSS Society




Arthur Schlesinger Jr. Award

The OSS Society





Ralph Bunche Award

The OSS Society




Jack Taylor Award

The OSS Society


OSS Society William J. Donovan Award Dinner Toasts

Sun, 11/05/2023 - 4:22pm

While toasts at most events seem to be pro forma, the toasts at the OSS Society's  William J. Donovan Award Dinner are of course patriotic, often are tributes to history, and are always patriotic and memorable.  It is worth taking a few minutes to listen to each of these.


Access all the toasts on the YouTube web page HERE or individually below.





A Toast to the United States of America by David Cohen

The OSS Society





A Toast to Our Allies by Paula Doyle

The OSS Society



A Toast to the Office of Strategic Services by DD/CIA David S. Cohen

The OSS Society



A Toast to the U.S. Intelligence Community by Lt. Gen. Patrick Hughes, USA (Ret.)

The OSS Society




A Toast to U.S. Special Operations Forces by The Hon. Michael Vickers

The OSS Society




A Toast to Our Absent and Missing Comrades by Amb. Ron Johnson

The OSS Society



A Toast to Gen. William J Donovan by LtGen Frank Donovan, USMC

The OSS Society

11/5/23 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sun, 11/05/2023 - 10:21am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

1.  Chinese Operational Art – The Primacy of the Human Dimension
2. Counterterrorism is Strategic Competition
3. U.S. and Israel Split Over Gaza Goals, Muddying War’s Endgame
4. Special Ops command publishes fictional anthology, envisioning the operator of the future
5. The Gaza war reveals how colleges lost their way on free speech
6. Ukraine: 2024 headwinds
7. An Israeli ‘Pause’ Would Help Hamas
8. America Can’t Afford to Alienate Its Undemocratic Allies
9. Opinion | Israeli leaders shouldn’t neglect the history of fights against terrorism
10. Foreign investment in China turns negative for first time
11. What is behind the 40% drop in China's U.S. Treasury holdings?
12. Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, November 4, 2023
13. Iran Update, November 4, 2023
14. Get to Know the Influential Conservative Intellectuals Who Help Explain G.O.P. Extremism
15. Zelensky Rebuke of Top General Signals Rift in Ukrainian Leadership
16. Nuclear Talks With China Are Essential and Long Overdue
17. Fact Check: Has Google Earth captured Crimea bridge attack damage?
18. Why Do Young Americans Support Hamas? Look at TikTok.  by Rep. Mike Gallagher
19. Why Liberal Academia Needs Republican Friends
20. Migrants Are Flocking to the U.S. From All Over the Globe

Korean News Content:

1. N. Korea steps up criticism against military cooperation among S. Korea. U.S., Japan

2. Unification ministry plans to hold talks with U.N. Command to resume Panmunjom tour

3. N. Korea diversifying cybercrimes amid drop in value of cryptocurrency: report

4. N. Korea designates holiday for test-launch of ICBM

5. S. Korea to participate in new round of IPEF talks in San Francisco

6. Charted: The Number of North Korean Defectors (1998-2023)

7. South Korea’s Quest to Become a Global Pivotal State

8. Korea steps up efforts to get US Congress to pass Kimchi Day

9. Russia and North Korea relations in transition

10. Two Koreas race to launch first homegrown military spy satellites

11/4/23 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sat, 11/04/2023 - 9:22am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

1.  Army Making a Mistake in Cuts to Special Operations Forces

2. A Toast to the United States of America by David Cohen

3. Inter Populum: The Journal of Irregular Warfare and Special Operations

4. Ten Surprising Lessons for Special Operations Forces from the First 20 Months of Putin’s Full-Scale Invasion of Ukraine

5. What Is Happening on College Campuses Is Not Free Speech

6. Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, November 3, 2023

7. Iran Update, November 3, 2023

8. Ukraine appears to be pulling off the 'Anaconda Plan'

9. Media's In-House Critics to Reporters: Quit Quoting Palestinians About Civilian Deaths - FAIR

10. Hezbollah tells Hamas to be ‘realistic’: Terrorist allies don't want to expand Israel war

11. Hamas Has Deadlier Weapons Than the Last Time Israel Invaded Gaza

12. China-Taiwan Weekly Update, November 2, 2023

13. Secret Skunk Works Spy Drone Delivered To Air Force: Report

14. The World at War's unbearable poignancy

15. The next 9/11 is a question of when, not if

16. Ukraine’s Civilians Training for War, Private Sector Fills Growing Demand for Infantry Skills

17. China’s Male Leaders Signal to Women That Their Place Is in the Home

18. Israeli officials: Oxygen concentrators for Gaza tunnels found hidden in aid shipment

19. China's disinfo campaign shows growing unease about Philippines' WPS actions

20. Chief Priority! Ignite a Renaissance in Military Scholarship and Writing

21. By All Means Available: Memoirs of a Life in Intelligence, Special Operations, and Strategy (Book Review)

Korean News Content:

1. Xi Jinping tells North Korea’s Kim he can make ‘greater contribution’ to ties

2. Kim Jong Un sees bigger cash-cow in Russia arms than embassies

3. Road rage: North Koreans forced to pitch in and patch potholes

4. South Korea increasingly pessimistic as North Korean arsenal expands

5. VOA [Washington Talk] “Respect for Korea’s desire for nuclear armament… “We will not shake our alliance.”

6. U.S. and South Korea Forge Stronger Cybersecurity Alliance Amid Growing AI Threats

7. Review: In 'Beyond Utopia,' the weight of North Korean oppression on its citizenry is undeniable

8. News outlets didn’t ignore Korean leaders’ historic summit. A video of the meeting is 5 years old

9. S. Korea, Thailand to hold consular talks amid complaints over immigration services for Thai nationals

10. N. Korea diversifying cybercrimes amid drop in value of cryptocurrency: report

Inter Populum: The Journal of Irregular Warfare and Special Operations

Fri, 11/03/2023 - 8:34pm

A new publication at Arizona State University from the Competitive Statecraft Initiative.  This seems to be a foreshadowing of the future John S. McCain III Center for Security Studies in Irregular Warfare which is the vision of Senators Mark Kelly and Lindsey Graham.  See their vision here: OP-ED: Senators Kelly and Graham Press DOD to Execute Vision of McCain Irregular Warfare Center
From the Editor Dr. Christopher Marsh on social media:
Excited to announce the publication of Vol. 1, No. 1 of Inter Populum: The Journal of Irregular Warfare and Special Operations, published by Arizona State University. We are not only proud to present the issue and its five articles and seven book reviews, but we are also happy to consider submissions to future issues of the journal. Find out more at our website at


​Editor's letter, Editorial board members, and table of contents for the first volume are below


Letter from the Editors


Welcome to the inaugural issue of Inter Populum: The Journal of Irregular Warfare and Special Operations. A product of the Competitive Statecraft Initiative at Arizona State University, this publication aims to be a central voice in the scholarly literature on issues related to special operations, irregular warfare (IW), and importantly, the intersection between the two. Inter Populum is a peer-reviewed academic journal for the scholar and practitioner—a place to explore everything from lessons learned through historical case studies, to current best practices, to the nature of future conflict. We are very excited to introduce what we hope will become the central medium for discussion, debate, and the collegial exchange of ideas among the IW and special operations communities of interest.


Inter Populum is Latin for “among the people.” In 2005, General Rupert Smith coined a phrase when he postulated that rather than large-scale, interstate wars between nation- states, the twenty-first century would be dominated by “wars among the people.”1 Of course, there have been wars among the people as long as there have been people, and it remains to be seen whether we can avoid a great power war in this century, but the human domain is the principal concern of both IW and special operations, and is therefore the particular focus of this journal.

U.S. doctrine has long recognized that the defining feature of IW is the struggle for control over or support of relevant populations. Most recently, the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff define IW as “a struggle among state and non-state actors to influence populations and affect legitimacy.”2 The 2020 Summary of the Irregular Warfare Annex to the National Defense Strategy emphasized the relevance of IW in great power competition as well as its economical aspect, and committed the Department of Defense (DOD) to mastering it as a core competency.3 A more expansive definition of IW, one perhaps better suited to current and future strategic competition, is offered by defense expert Seth Jones. He states that IW “refers to activities short of conventional and nuclear warfare that are designed to expand a country’s influence and legitimacy, as well as to weaken its adversaries.”4 We encourage and look forward to vigorous debate on the scope and continually evolving character of IW in future issues of Inter Populum.

Special operations—from direct, time-sensitive, and discrete “surgical strikes” to indirect, longer-term “special warfare”—have long been considered critical to conducting or countering IW. However, as the Summary of the Irregular Warfare Annex to the National Defense Strategy5 made abundantly clear, one myth in need of shattering is that IW is coterminous with counterterrorism (CT), that Special Operations Forces (SOF) own the CT mission, and therefore SOF are the only ones who can play a meaningful role in IW. Nothing could be further from the truth. CT is only one of the military missions under the IW umbrella, and conventional forces play a critical role in all of them. More broadly, IW can be considered the military contribution to competitive statecraft, which demands a coordinated and synchronized whole-of-government/whole-of-society approach in which interagency and cross-sector partners play a central and, in many cases, leading role. Thus, Inter Populum intends to focus on the nexus between IW and special operations, as well as


the integration of these military activities with those of other government agencies, civil society, and the private sectorIn doing so, Inter Populum will drive the analysis, reflection, and conversations necessary to reconceptualize IW for an era of strategic competition.

Inter Populum will publish two online issues per year, with both issues combined into one printed volume annually. Copies will be made available across the DOD, to other government agencies, academic institutions, and many other stakeholders.

We look forward to establishing Inter Populum as the locus of professional exploration, discussion, and debate on IW, special operations, and their role in strategic competition. But we cannot do it without support from readers and contributors. Please consider submitting your own work for publication in an upcoming issue. Thank you, and welcome to the discussion.


Christopher Marsh, Fort Liberty, NC James Kiras, Maxwell AFB, AL Ryan Shaw, Tempe, AZ






Rupert Smith, The Utility of Force: The Art of War in the Modern World (London: Allen Lane, 2005).

Joint Chiefs of Staff, Joint Warfighting: Reference Copy, JP 1, Volume 1 (Washington, D.C.: Joint Chiefs of Staff, 2020), GL-4.

Department of Defense, Summary of the Irregular Warfare Annex to the National Defense Strategy

(Washington, D.C.: Department of Defense, 2020), 1.

Seth Jones, Three Dangerous Men: Russia, China, Iran and the Rise of Irregular Warfare (New York: W.W. Norton, 2021), 11.


Department of Defense, Summary of the Irregular Warfare Annex.



The Journal of Irregular Warfare and Special Operations

Inter Populum: The Journal of Irregular Warfare and Special Operations, published by Arizona State University, is an academically rigorous, peer reviewed publication focused on furthering studies, thought, and discussion on special operations and irregular warfare topics. It is published once a year in print (ISSN: 2836-5496), and twice a year online (ISSN: 2836-6034).

To request a printed copy or inquire about publication consideration, contact our team at



Christopher Marsh, U.S. National Defense University, James Kiras, U.S. Air Force School of Advanced Air and Space Studies, Ryan Shaw, Arizona State University,


Managing Editor:

Lisa Sheldon


Book Review Editor:

Mark Grzegorzewski, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University,


Editorial Board

Leo Blanken, Naval Postgraduate School

Patricia Blocksome, Joint Special Operations University

Paul Brister, U.S. Naval War College

Carolyne Davidson, U.S. National Defense University

David Ellis, New College of Florida

Nikolas Gvosdev, U.S. Naval War College

Will Irwin, Joint Special Operations University

Jaroslaw Jablonski, Joint Special Operations University

Martijn Kitzen, Netherlands Defence Academy

Nina Kollars, U.S. Naval War College

Jeffrey Kubiak, Arizona State University

Ken Gleiman, Arizona State University

David Maxwell, Center for Asia Pacific Strategy

Mark Moyar, Hillsdale College

Aleksandra Nesic, U.S. Department of State

David Oakley, University of South Florida

Ulrica Pettersson, Swedish Defence University

Linda Robinson, RAND Corporation

Richard Schultz, Fletcher School, Tufts University

Kalev Sepp, Naval Postgraduate School

Emily Stranger, Indiana University-Bloomington


Table of Contents



Like a Bolt from the Blue: Relative Superiority and the Coup de Main

Assault on the Caen Canal and River Orne Bridges, 6 June 1944


by Michael J. Mooney........................................................................................ 1

Ten Surprising Lessons for Special Operations Forces from the First Eighteen Months of Putin’s Full-Scale Invasion of Ukraine

by Thomas R. Searle, Christopher Marsh, and Brian Petit.................................. 41

Special Operations in the 21st Century: Revisiting the Falklands War

by Matthew Miller........................................................................................... 57

Fighting Danger at Sea: The Quest for Speed in Special Operations

by Rikke Haugegaard....................................................................................... 69

Dynamic Ethical Decision-Making and its Importance to Special Operations

by Robert M. Mitchell...................................................................................... 93

Counterterrorism is Strategic Competition

by Thomas R. Searle....................................................................................... 101

Book Reviews

Phoenix Rising: From the Ashes of Desert One to the Rebirth of U.S. Special Operations by Keith M. Nightingale

Reviewed by William “Stone” Holden............................................................. 111

Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World by David Epstein

Reviewed by Luke Talian............................................................................... 115

Special Forces Interpreter: An Afghan on Operations with the Coalition

by Eddie Idrees

Reviewed by Laura Stenger............................................................................ 119

Airpower in the War Against ISIS by Benjamin S. Lambeth

Reviewed by James Kiras............................................................................... 123

The Recruiter: Spying and the Lost Art of American Intelligence

by Douglas London

Reviewed by David P. Oakley......................................................................... 125

Military Reconnaissance: The Eyes and Ears of the Army

by Alexander Stilwell

Reviewed by Hugh Sutherland........................................................................ 127

Death in the Highlands: The Siege of Special Forces Camp Plei Mei

by J. Keith Saliba

Reviewed by Timothy Heck........................................................................... 131

Grey Wars: A Contemporary History of U.S. Special Operations

by N.W. Collins

Reviewed by Angelica Vallario....................................................................... 133

The RAF and Tribal Control: Airpower and Irregular Warfare Between the World Wars by Richard D. Newton


Reviewed by Joseph Whittington.................................................................... 137


11/3/23 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Fri, 11/03/2023 - 9:34am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

1. Winning the Irregular World War
2. Military students innovate technology solutions for US Special Operations Command
3. Asia is much more important to U.S. interests than the Middle East
4. Inside the Air Force’s Newest SOF Career: Special Reconnaissance
5. U.S. Drones Are Flying Over Gaza to Aid in Hostage Recovery, Officials Say
6. Blinken’s Mission in Israel: Conveying Support While Pushing to Reduce Harm to Civilians
7. Opinion | Should Israel agree to a cease-fire? Commentators weigh in.
8. Minuteman III Ballistic Missile Self Destructs During Test Launch
9. Minuteman missile failure draws Russian mockery of US nuclear arsenal
10. How Hamas Won Hearts and Minds on the American Left
11. It’s U.S. vs. China in an Increasingly Divided World Economy
12. Yellen: Indo-Pacific allies should not have to choose between US, China
13. Senate finally confirms Adm. Franchetti as Navy’s top officer
14. No. 2 Marine confirmed by Senate amid top Marine’s health crisis
15. This Russian Suicide Drone Is Blunting Ukraine’s Advance
16. As Ukraine braces for winter drone attacks, allies rush to provide defenses
17. SOCOM's potential new firearm is a revolution
18. Iran’s Ever-Expanding Ring of Fire
19. The Case For A Robust U.S. Amphibious Warfare Force
20. U.S., Canadian Warships Sail Through Taiwan Strait, China Says U.S. ‘Hyped Up’ Transit
21. Inflection Point: How to Reverse the Erosion of U.S. and Allied Military Power and Influence
22. Washington’s Willful Blind Spot on China
23. The End of Israel’s Gaza Illusions
24. Satellites and social media offer hints about Israel's ground war strategy in Gaza5. 
25. U.S. Hasn't Ruled Out Hostage Rescue Operation in Gaza: Report
26. The Iran-Russia Military Axis

Korean News Content:

1. N. Korea tries to profit from Israel-Hamas war; S. Korea looks for intel blind spots
2. Defense chief says N. Korea could launch spy satellite in late Nov. with Russian aid
3. N. Korea slams U.S. test launch of Minuteman III ICBM
4. Press Statement of Spokesman of Korean Jurists Committee (north Korea on Hamas and Gaza)
5. North Korean defectors take on China over forced returns of fellow escapees
6. South Korea to launch 1st spy satellite Nov. 30
7. 7. US Army takes responsibility for stray bullet that struck moving SUV in South Korea
8. Exclusive: South Korea lining up banks to help finance $22 billion arms sale to Poland
9. N Korea issues nuclear threat over US-S Korea space alliance
10. [INTERVIEW] Ruling party's reform czar calls for flexible immigration policy
11. New deputy chief of Korea-U.S. combined command calls for strong resolve to deter war
12. Japan returns favor again by flying 15 Korean nationals out of Israel
13.  China supported sanctions on North Korea's nuclear program. It's also behind their failure
14. South Korea increasingly pessimistic as North Korean arsenal expands

11/2/23 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Thu, 11/02/2023 - 9:26am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

1. Memes vs. Missiles? Cognitive Access Denial and the North Korea Problem
2. The Army needs to invest in psychological operations, not cut them
3. Personnel cuts and force redesign ahead for Army special operations
4. Special Operations Forces Reference Manual, Fifth Edition
5. Report: Special operations forces need to rethink language training
6. Marine Corps Command in Charge of Middle East Cancels Annual Ball Due to 'Unforeseen Operational Commitments'
7. To solve national security problems, the US may have to rethink higher education
8. Janet Yellen made the worst mistake in Treasury history when she failed to lock in cheap debt, elite investor Stanley Druckenmiller says
9. Frustrated Zelensky Says Ukraine’s War Effort Is Being Underestimated
10. A Platform Storing TikTok Corporate Secrets Was Inspected By The Chinese Government
11. Import records illuminate Ukraine’s desperate hunt for arms and ammo
12. U.K. MPs propose mandatory training to prevent Chinese spies
13. Al-Aqsa Storm Heralds the Rise of Non-state Special Operations
14. The Weaponization of Language in Irregular Warfare: Moldova, a Case Study
15. Israeli army battles Hamas fighters in drive towards Gaza City
16. Republicans confront Tuberville over military holds in extraordinary showdown on Senate floor
17. The Hamas War Is Far More Dangerous to Israel Than the Yom Kippur War
18. China, U.S. to Meet for Rare Nuclear Arms-Control Talks
19. Israel’s New Calculus: Strike Hamas at All Costs
21. Poll: U.S. public's support for Ukraine begins to wane
22. Senior Pentagon official calls on DOD components to more fully embrace irregular, asymmetric warfare
23. What the Pentagon Has, Hasn't and Could Do to Stop Veterans and Troops from Joining Extremist Groups
24. How an AI company parsed misinformation early in Israel-Hamas war
25.  Ukraine has taken 17,000 Russians off the battlefield without firing a shot, US Army special-ops general says 
26. Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker: November
27. Why the Philippines is exiting the Belt and Road
28. Modernization Theory and the Delusions of American Strategy
29. Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, November 1, 2023
30. Iran Update, November 1, 2023

Korean News Content:

1. Memes vs. Missiles? Cognitive Access Denial and the North Korea Problem
2. N. Korea could stage provocations to divert domestic attention: defense chief
3. S. Korean military says N. Korea might have provided Russia with short-range ballistic missiles
4. N Korea has shipped 1 million shells to Russia: S Korea intel
5. Pregnant woman among 4 N. Koreans who crossed maritime border
6. S. Korea urges Pyongyang to resume regular contact via inter-Korean liaison line
7. N. Korean defector talks about experience in holding center for forced returnees (Part 2)
8. Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker: November - KOREA
9. 5 S. Koreans from Gaza arrived in Egypt via Rafah border: ministry
10. Odd bedfellows: North Korea, Arab world support Palestine for different reasons
11. South Korea, U.S. mark alliance with rap song, fashion and beer
12. Family members of S. Korean detainees in N. Korea recognized as victims of abduction
13. N. Korea appears to have resumed regular flights to Beijing
14. Xi says 'willing to make bigger contributions' in letter to NK leader
15. A country whose 51% of population lives in capital and nearby region
16. North imports record amount of wine and whiskey, despite sanctions
17. ‘More to this place than barbed wire’: South Korea reimagines its DMZ as a path towards peace | North Korea

11/1/23 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Wed, 11/01/2023 - 10:38am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

1. Preparing the Department of Defense for Irregular and Special Warfare
2. Global Competition Reshaping Special Operations
3. Reed: Tuberville military holds may have contributed to Marine commandant’s hospitalization
4. No updates on top Marine general’s condition after hospitalization
5. China: ‘Israel’ omitted from online maps
6. CCG Conferences Report:The Eighth China Global Think Tank Innovation Forum, Beijing
7. Israel’s Multiple Advances into Gaza: An Operational Plan Comes into Focus by Mick Ryans
8. Reports of Putin’s death might not be greatly exaggerated
9. How AUKUS Plus could add to Indo-Pacific coalition building
10. American Commandos Are in Israel Helping to Locate Hostages, Pentagon Says
11. See inside the stereotyping machines pushing American bias across the internet
12. Getting Serious About Enhancing U.S. Defense Partnerships
13. What Went Wrong? Three Hypotheses on Israel’s Massive Intelligence Failure
14. Ukraine pleads with the U.S. to ramp up support against Russia
15. US military still fleshing out SOF, cyber, space 'triad' at the joint level
16. Filipinos who fought for the U.S. in WWII never saw benefits. A new bill seeks to change that
17. The U.S. Navy is Falling Behind China, and the Pentagon Knows It
18. U.S. Aircraft Carriers and Warships Are On the Move And That’s A Problem for Iran
19. U.S. military and diplomatic leaders urge a divided Congress to send aid to both Israel and Ukraine
20. What we know about Hamas' huge rocket arsenal
21. SOCOM: United States Special Operations Command
22. Maneuver Warfare Is Not Dead, But It Must EvolveManeuver Warfare Is Not Dead, But It Must Evolve
23. Senators warn of Chinese effort to recruit US service members as former JBLM soldier faces trial in spy caseS
24. US-Philippine defense treaty is losing credibility
25. Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, October 31, 2023
26. Iran Update, October 31, 2023

Korean News Content:

1. South Korea's spy agency says North Korea shipped more than a million artillery shells to Russia
2. North Korean Refugees: Uptick in Number Reaching South Korea but China Is Forcibly Returning Refugees
3. N. Korea in final stage of preparations for 3rd satellite launch: NIS
4. What we know about Hamas' huge rocket arsenal
5. Beware of North Korea's Commandoes: Kim Jong Un's 200,000 Special Forces Are Fierce
6. US presses China on North Korea’s weapons supplies to Russia
7. Impact of N. Korea-Russia cooperation likely to be limited but should not be overlooked: experts
8. Military to award units, soldiers over N.K. boat detection despite lingering criticism
9. Rubella eradicated in N. Korea with mass vaccinations: WHO
10. 'Beyond Utopia' Review: A Searing Look at Escaping North Korea
11. Former S. Korean POW who won damages suit against Pyongyang dies at 91
12. Blinken to visit S. Korea next week for 1st time since Yoon came into office
13. 8th Fighter Wing commander is stepping down after 5 months in South Korea

10/31/23 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Tue, 10/31/2023 - 8:23am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

1. Top Marine general hospitalized, leaving 3-star in charge

2. Conflict by David Petraeus and Andrew Roberts review — the future of war

3. Special Operations News - October 30, 2023 | SOF News

4. The Bolduc Brief: Interoperability Failures Among Senior Military Leaders in Special Operations and the Conventional Military

5. Why urban warfare in Gaza will be bloodier than in Iraq

6. How Years of Israeli Failures on Hamas Led to a Devastating Attack

7. Patriotism’s Decline Imperils the Military

8.  Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, October 30, 2023

9. Five Facts on the Rising Intolerance in America

10. Harvard’s Double Standard on Free Speech

11. Israel tanks penetrate deep into Gaza, as Hamas hostage video emerges

12. The Primacy of Culture

13. Joe Biden’s Sweeping New Executive Order Aims to Drag the US Government Into the Age of ChatGPT

14. FACT SHEET: President Biden Issues Executive Order on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence

15. Department of Defense Releases FY 2023 Military Intelligence Program Budget

16. Arming Ukraine is cheap compared to the far higher price of Russian victory

17. Iran Update, October 30, 2023

18. AI Is Already at War By Michèle A. Flournoy

19. From Einsatzgruppen to Hamas: A Historical Continuum of Mobile Mass Murder

20. Japan’s Play for Today: Too Much? Just Right? Or Never Enough?

21. US consumers keep spending despite high prices and their own gloomy outlook. Can it last?

22. Reflections on the October 1993 Battle of Mogadishu | SOF News

23. White House AI exec order raises questions on future of DoD innovation

24. ODNI, Pentagon reveal FY23 intelligence budget at nearly $100 billion

25. US isn’t ready for a war of great powers

26. A Call to Action for the Intelligence Community Following Hamas Terror Attack

27. Inadequate U.S. Patriot Missile Force Size Highlighted By Middle East Crisis

Korean News Content:

1. KEI Announces Appointment of Scott Snyder as the New President & CEO - Korea Economic Institute of America

2. N. Korean defector talks about experience in holding center for forced returnees

3. U.N. voices opposition against forced repatriation of N. Korean defectors in China

4. A Japan court says North Korea is responsible for the abuses of people lured there by false promises

5. Victims lured to North Korea by lies welcome Japan court's ruling against regime

6. S. Korea's top nuclear envoy discusses N. Korea with US think tank officials

7. In Yo-han’s innovation demand creates a stir

8. The Republic of Korea-Australia Security Nexus -

9. Pyongyang's shutdown of overseas embassies sign of sluggish economy: unification ministry

10. North Korea–Russia alliance revives Cold War divisions

11. US stresses opposition to any arms provision to Hamas amid claimed use of N. Korean weapons

12. Kim Jong Un orders military food reserves restored ‘at all costs’

13. South Korea as a Nuclear State: Trade-offs and Choices

14. Defense minister instructs new military chiefs to build ‘overwhelming’ defense posture against enemy

15. Seoul slams N. Korea's money laundering, vows efforts to ban inflow of 'black money'

16. U.S., Chinese diplomats hold video talks on N. Korea-Russia military cooperation, defector repatriation

17. Don't suspend Sept. 19 Inter-Korean Military Agreement

18. S. Korea's homegrown spacecraft to moon project on track: science ministry