Small Wars Journal

SOFcast: CSM (Ret) Rick Lamb

Tue, 01/12/2021 - 10:16pm



CSM (Ret) Lamb is a former Ranger and Green Beret. In this episode he discusses the Iranian Hostage Rescue, operations along the DMZ, the Invasion of Panama, Operation Gothic Serpant (Black Hawk Down) in Somalia, and serving in Haiti. 



SOFcast is the offical U.S. Special Operations Command podcast, hosted by Command Chief Master Sergeant Smith (current USSOCOM Command Senior Enlisted Leader) and Sergeant Major Parrish, the Senior Enlisted Leader for the USSOCOM Preservation of the Force and Family program.

Modern War Institute: The Eight Rules of Urban Warfare and Why We Must Work to Change Them

Tue, 01/12/2021 - 10:07pm

Full Article:

By John Spencer


The article also includes an extremely useful overview of historical and recent urban warfare case studies which may be interesting/useful to researchers interested in urban operations.

1/12/2021 News & Commentary - National Security

Tue, 01/12/2021 - 12:38pm

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Duncan Moore.

1. Previously secret details of Trump administration's Indo-Pacific strategy revealed

2. Pompeo reportedly plans to disclose intel showing Iranian support for al-Qaeda

3. State capitals face threat of armed protests, FBI warns

4. WHO warns coronavirus herd immunity unlikely this year

5. Top spies praise Biden choice of Amb. William Burns to head CIA

6. Why China fears US withdrawal from Afghanistan

7. Letting US Asian allies get nukes is a bad idea

8. Exclusive: Pentagon presses ahead with Afghanistan troop drawdown despite law barring it

9. US Capitol attack a wake-up call for the integration of physical & IT security

10. America, get your s**t together

11. McCarthy: "undisputedly" no evidence Antifa participated in deadly Capitol siege

12. Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine expected to provide immunity for up to 1 year

13. How a suburban housewife became a pioneer of military intelligence

14. Army moves to oust officer who made jokes on TikTok about Nazi concentration camps

15. ‘Ashley’s War’ and the story of the women of special operations is coming to the big screen

16. DoD drone strategy focuses on low-end threats - not nation-states

17. CNO: divest Aegis Ashore sites to ground forces

18. Yes, it was a coup. Here’s why.

19. The revolution behind the attempted revolution

20. Enabling strategic success: how MARSOC can help overcome “simple-minded” militarism


1. Previously secret details of Trump administration's Indo-Pacific strategy revealed

ABC News · Laura Tingle · January 12, 2021

Interesting that this document is supposedly going to be declassified.

This is a very interesting assessment.


2. Pompeo reportedly plans to disclose intel showing Iranian support for al-Qaeda

Times of Israel · January 12, 2021


3. State capitals face threat of armed protests, FBI warns

Washington Post · Tim Craig, Holly Bailey, & Matt Zapotosky · January 12, 2021


4. WHO warns coronavirus herd immunity unlikely this year

Korea Times · AFP · January 12, 2021


5. Top spies praise Biden choice of Amb. William Burns to head CIA

NBC News · Ken Dilanian & Andrea Mitchell · January 11, 2021

I have heard positive comments from retired CIA intelligence officers as well.


6. Why China fears US withdrawal from Afghanistan

Asia Times · FM Shakil · January 12, 2021


7. Letting US Asian allies get nukes is a bad idea

Asia Times · Mark Valencia · January 12, 2021

We do not want nuclear weapons to proliferate among both our adversaries and our friends, partners, and allies.


8. Exclusive: Pentagon presses ahead with Afghanistan troop drawdown despite law barring it

Reuters · Jonathan Landay & Idrees Ali · January 11, 2021

I imagine General Austin will be questioned on this in his confirmation hearing - "what do you do now, Lieutenant?"


9. US Capitol attack a wake-up call for the integration of physical & IT security

Dark Reading · Seth Rosenblatt · January 11, 2021


10. America, get your s**t together

Angry Staff Officer · January 12, 2021

The Angry Staff Officer tells it like it is and pulls no punches.


11. McCarthy: "undisputedly" no evidence Antifa participated in deadly Capitol siege

Axios · Alayna Treena · January 12, 2021

And he apparently told POTUS this as well.


12. Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine expected to provide immunity for up to 1 year

Axios · Shawna Chen · January 12, 2021

So, will we have to get vaccinated annually? What good news for Big Pharma!


13. How a suburban housewife became a pioneer of military intelligence · James Barber · January 11, 2021

Some interesting history. I look forward to watching this.


14. Army moves to oust officer who made jokes on TikTok about Nazi concentration camps

Washington Post · Dan Lamothe · January 11, 2021

There is no place for someone who makes these kinds of jokes. If he has this attitude toward the camps, he is disgusting. And if he does not have such an attitude and was just "joking," his demonstration of poor judgment and lack of common sense and decency warrants his termination of service.


15. ‘Ashley’s War’ and the story of the women of special operations is coming to the big screen

Military Times · J.D. Simkins · January 11, 2021


16. DoD drone strategy focuses on low-end threats - not nation-states

Breaking Defense · Sydney J. Freedberg Jr. · January 11, 2021


17. CNO: divest Aegis Ashore sites to ground forces

Sea Power · Richard R. Burgess · January 11, 2021


18. Yes, it was a coup. Here’s why.

Politico · Fiona Hill · January 11, 2021

I am not sure this was a coup, but I do think an insurrection is the right description. But this is some interesting analysis from Fiona Hill.


19. The revolution behind the attempted revolution

Small Wars Journal · Frank Sobchak · January 11, 2021


20. Enabling strategic success: How MARSOC can help overcome “simple-minded” militarism

Small Wars Journal · Paul Bailey · January 11, 2021


"The men who lose their heads most easily, and who generally show themselves weakest on days of revolution are the military; accustomed as they are to have organized force facing them and an obedient force in their hands, they readily become confused before the tumultuous uproar of a crowd and in the presence of hesitation and occasional connivance of their own men."

- Alexis de Tocqueville

"He who fights against his own country is a child who would kill his mother."

- Napoleon

"The central task and the highest form of a revolution is to seize political power by armed force, to settle problems by war."

- Mao Tse-tung

1/12/2021 News & Commentary - Korea

Tue, 01/12/2021 - 11:33am

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Duncan Moore.

1. NK’s congress nears end with signs of military parade

2. Moon administration tells Biden to consider Singapore model

3. First vaccinated Koreans are on U.S. Army base

4. Pyongyang implies possible preemptive or retaliatory nuclear strikes

5. N. Korea invites guests to celebrations of party congress, possibly including military parade

6. N. Korean officials work on resolution to implement leader's guidance

7. N. Korean officials seen wearing masks at party congress after days of no-mask sessions

8. New virus cases in 500s on tougher curbs, alert high over potential upticks

9. North Korea sets up big security headache for Biden

10. North Koreans cynical about ‘self-reliance’ messaging during party congress

11. North Korea set for collision course with US as Kim Jong-Un solidifies one-man rule

12. Kim Jong Un gets a promotion, gives his sister a demotion

13. Why North Korea is going full-steam ahead on its nuclear weapons program

14. 'Your move, Mr President': North Korea sets the stage for Biden

15. Kim Yo Jong, sister of leader, missing from North Korea politburo list

16. S. Korea's Moon will press on to engage North

17. How North Korea and Japan could open dialogue


1. NK’s congress nears end with signs of military parade

Korea Herald · Ahn Sung-mi · January 12, 2021

The end is near and those NKPA soldiers are freezing their a**** off waiting for the parade to be done with.


2. Moon administration tells Biden to consider Singapore model

Korea Joong Ang Daily · Kang Tae-Hwa & Shim Kyu-Seok · January 12, 2021

The problem with the Singapore "model" is the different interpretations of each side. 

Kim believes the agreement means to 1) change the relationship, 2) build trust, 3) then negotiate to denuclearize (the entire Korean peninsula).

The US side believes 1) negotiate to denuclearize the North, 2) build trust, 3) change the relationship.

The North wants to change the relationship and build trust by the US and international community ending sanctions and the US ending the "hostile policy" toward the north.

The North also wants to denuclearize the entire Korean peninsula.

Together (ending the hostile policy and denuclearizing the entire peninsula) this means: end the ROK/US alliance, remove US troops, and end extended deterrence and the nuclear umbrella over the ROK and Japan.

So, while the four points are logical and sound if properly interpreted, we have to understand how Kim views those four points of the Singapore agreement and how he thinks they should be implemented.


3. First vaccinated Koreans are on U.S. Army base

Korea Joong Ang Daily · Kim Youn-Ho & Esther Chung · January 12, 2021

Again, I strongly recommend that the vaccine be administered to all members, Koreans and Americans, of the ROK/US Combined Forces Command Headquarters. This is necessary to ensure the exercise in February/March is safely executed  and readiness is sustained, and progress on OPCON transition can be made. This should be a priority for the ROK/US alliance.


4. Pyongyang implies possible preemptive or retaliatory nuclear strikes

Dong-A Ilbo · January 12, 2021

Kim is trying to not only establish deterrence but to conduct blackmail diplomacy (use tension, threats, and provocations to extort political and economic concessions) and to set the conditions for arms control negotiations with the US from a relatively "equal" relationship and a position of perceived strength.


5. N. Korea invites guests to celebrations of party congress, possibly including military parade

Yonhap News Agency · 최수향 · January 12, 2021

What will Kim show us in the military parade?


6. N. Korean officials work on resolution to implement leader’s guidance

Yonhap News Agency · 최수향 · January 12, 2021

How to implement the regime's rhetoric that will again fail? Is continued "self-reliance" a feasible course of action (I ask that rhetorically)?  I would hate to be on any of the committees responsible for implementation. I would end up in a gulag for either recommending different courses of action or being part of another failed execution of policy and strategy. At the next party congress, my fellow officials and I would certainly be suffering from being blamed (if we made it until the next congress).


7. N. Korean officials seen wearing masks at party congress after days of no-mask sessions

Yonhap News Agency · 이원주 · January 12, 2021

What if the 8th Party Congress is a super spreader event for COVID and the regime elite is decimated by a COVID outbreak? What if COVID brought down the regime? Of course, this may seem far-fetched and a long shot, but I have to ask - are we ready for North Korean internal instability and potential regime collapse and the implosive and explosive effects this could cause? I am not making a prediction that the regime will collapse. But I will make the prediction that if the regime does collapse, it will be catastrophic.

It is interesting that the participants are now wearing masks. Are they responding to comments in international media about their lack of masks?


8. New virus cases in 500s on tougher curbs, alert high over potential upticks

Yonhap News Agency · 김한주 · January 12, 2021

Is the curve possibly flattening because of reduced testing?


9. North Korea sets up big security headache for Biden

9News · Richard Wood · January 12, 2021

Kim appears to say no to denuclearization. This should be no surprise. However, this does not mean that he is saying no to denuclearization negotiations. I think he wants to negotiate from an arms control standpoint that might cap nuclear weapons but importantly would not force him to give up nuclear weapons. And what we should understand is that if Kim does negotiate it is to support his long con and political warfare strategy which is designed to ultimately allow the regime to dominate the entire Korean peninsula. We need to execute a superior form of political warfare.


10. North Koreans cynical about ‘self-reliance’ messaging during party congress

Radio Free Asia · Jieun Kim et al · January 12, 2021

After seven decades of self-reliance, it is only natural to be cynical. What has Juche really done for the Korean people living in the North?

For seven decades tough times have always been ahead for the country.


11. North Korea set for collision course with US as Kim Jong-un solidifies one-man rule

Guardian · Justin McCurry · January 12, 2021

"Solidifies" one man-rule? When was it ever not solidified? Of course, the "fresh strategy" they want the US to adopt is one in which the US provides concessions and appeases the regime.


12. Kim Jong Un gets a promotion, gives his sister a demotion

Wall Street Journal · Timothy W. Martin & Andrew Jeong · January 11, 2021

I think we are making too much of this so-called demotion. I think she continues to wield power through her positions in the United Front Department, the Propaganda and Agitation department, and, most importantly, the most powerful organization in North Korea in direct support of Kim Jong-Un and the regime, the Organization and Guidance Department (OGD). I think these are more powerful than party titles, though of course these are all party organizations.

And, of course, the only decision-making body is the body of Kim Jong-Un. 


13. Why North Korea is going full steam ahead on its nuclear weapons program

National Interest · Robert E. Kelly · January 11, 2021

Professor Kelly makes some good points in his analysis. But I would offer that the North's focus on strategic nuclear weapons is for deterrence and blackmail diplomacy. The focus on tactical nuclear weapons is about winning the war on the Korean peninsula. And this also supports other levels of blackmail diplomacy against South Korea, but we must take from this the understanding that the North has plans for and intends to someday win the war on the peninsula to force unification on its terms as the only way it believes can guarantee the long-term survival of the regime.

And, yes, there are other very valid concerns as Professor Kelly notes - to include the proliferation of tactical nuclear weapons.


14. 'Your move, Mr President': North Korea sets the stage for Biden

BBC · Laura Bicker · January 11, 2021

The chess game begins anew. Unfortunately, the chess pieces are nuclear weapons and real military capabilities.


15. Kim Yo Jong, sister of leader, missing from North Korea politburo list

UPI · Elizabeth Shim · January 11, 2021

But, again, her real power may be exercised through the OGD and, of course, she remains likely the only person Kim Jong-Un really trusts. We should not overthink this.


16. S. Korea's Moon will press on to engage North

Straits Times · January 12, 2021

Again, I urge the Moon administration to reassess its strategic assumptions about the nature and objectives of the Kim family regime. Doubling done on the failed engagement strategy (and it is a failure because of Kim Jong-un) is not going to bring about different results or improve the security of the South. In the long run, it will likely pose a great danger to the ROK.


17. How North Korea and Japan could open dialogue

National Interest · Doug Bandow · January 11, 2021

Interesting analysis and a look at some history that is not often discussed.


"The men who lose their heads most easily, and who generally show themselves weakest on days of revolution are the military; accustomed as they are to have organized force facing them and an obedient force in their hands, they readily become confused before the tumultuous uproar of a crowd and in the presence of hesitation and occasional connivance of their own men."

- Alexis de Tocqueville

"He who fights against his own country is a child who would kill his mother."

- Napoleon

"The central task and the highest form of a revolution is to seize political power by armed force, to settle problems by war."

- Mao Tse-tung

Civil Affairs Association Eunomia Journal Writing Contest

Mon, 01/11/2021 - 10:29pm

Submissions are open through 15 Feburary
500-2,000 words

Possible topics include Mental Health and Unit Culture, Professional Development, Talent Management, and Advice for New CA professionals.

Full details are available at the link below.

1/11/2021 News & Commentary - National Security

Mon, 01/11/2021 - 1:39pm

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Duncan Moore.

1. Biden chooses veteran diplomat Burns as CIA director

2. ‘Political moat’: China locks down 11 million to insulate Beijing from new COVID outbreak

3. Outgoing Capitol Police chief: House, Senate security officials hamstrung efforts to call in National Guard

4. 1st Special Forces Command investigating PSYOP captain for involvement in Trump D.C. rally

5. Trump Administration seeks to impose last-minute scrutiny of Chinese schooling

6. Capitol assault a more sinister attack than first appeared

7. Video shows Capitol mob dragging a police officer downstairs. One rioter beat the officer with an American flagpole.

8. The erosion of national will - implications for the future strategist

9. China threatens 'counterstrike' over US contact with Taiwan

10. Avoid ‘great-power competition’ in future security strategies

11. The Capitol Hill insurrection reveals veterans are at war against themselves

12. A 25-year-old bet comes due: has tech destroyed society?

13. Police departments across the U.S. open probes into whether their own members took part in the Capitol riot

14. One Trump fan’s descent into the U.S. Capitol mob

15. A small group of sleuths had been identifying right-wing extremists long before the attack on the Capitol

16. How to secure the U.S. Capitol: the U.S. Army can stop another attack

17. Lawmakers may have been exposed to the coronavirus in Capitol lockdown, attending physician says

18. The Capitol mob: a raging collection of grievances and disillusionment

19. Rep. Eshoo introduces legislation to change congressional oath of office

20. Special operations news update – Monday, January 11, 2021


1. Biden chooses veteran diplomat Burns as CIA director

WTOP News · AP · January 11, 2021


2. ‘Political moat’: China locks down 11 million to insulate Beijing from new COVID outbreak

Fortune · Eamon Barrett · January 11, 2021

This is an apt description of Chinese actions.


3. Outgoing Capitol Police chief: House, Senate security officials hamstrung efforts to call in National Guard

Washington Post · Carol D. Leonnig et al. · January 10, 2021

There will be finger pointing for a long time to come.


4. 1st Special Forces Command investigating PSYOP captain for involvement in Trump D.C. rally

Military Times · Howard Altman · January 11, 2021

Let the conspiracy theories begin.


5. Trump Administration seeks to impose last-minute scrutiny of Chinese schooling

Axios · Stef W. Kight · January 10, 2021

Money talks...


6. Capitol assault a more sinister attack than first appeared

AP · Jay Reeves, Lisa Mascara, & Calvin Woodward · January 11, 2021

Some of the brutal video scenes that are emerging are quite troubling such as the policeman being dragged down the capitol steps and being beaten even with an American flagpole.


7. Video shows Capitol mob dragging a police officer downstairs. One rioter beat the officer with an American flagpole.

Washington Post · Katie Shepherd · January 11, 2021

It is tragic to see Americans doing this to fellow Americans. These actions are indefensible.


8. The erosion of national will - implications for the future strategist

Mad Scientist Laboratory · Dr. Nick Marsella · January 11, 2021

What about our national will?  A timely thought piece.


9. China threatens ‘counterstrike’ over US contact with Taiwan

24Matins.UK · January 11, 2021

A diplomatic counterstrike, I presume.


10. Avoid ‘great-power competition’ in future security strategies

National Interest · Kevin Bilms · January 6, 2021

We continue to have definition and terminology paralysis, which I fear blocks our intellectual rigor.


11. The Capitol Hill insurrection reveals veterans are at war against themselves

Task & Purpose · Jeff Schogol · January 10, 2021

I am seeing this divide play out on my various social media feeds. There is an imbalance among passions, reason, and chance. I am also seeing an age divide not only among veterans, but among the younger and older ranks on active duty. There seems to be a sharp divide by age in some cases (not all, of course).


12. A 25-Year-Old Bet Comes Due: Has Tech Destroyed Society?

Wired · Steven Levy · January 5, 2021

Beware of making gentlemen's bets. Who really won? You be the judge.


13. Police departments across the U.S. open probes into whether their own members took part in the Capitol riot

Washington Post · Kim Bellware · January 10, 2021


14. One Trump fan’s descent into the U.S. Capitol mob

Wall Street Journal · Michael M. Phillips & Jennifer Levitz · January 10, 2021

Is this a representative story? Also, note the age divide even within a family.


15. A small group of sleuths had been identifying right-wing extremists long before the attack on the Capitol

Washington Post · Robert Klemko · January 10, 2021

I wonder how this will change the TTPs (tactics, techniques, and procedures) of extremist protesters on both the far sides of the political spectrum? Will they improve their OPSEC? Will they forgo social media, which of course is the necessary tool to amplify their messages and actions? Will they shift to full masks and disguise throughout protests?


16. How to secure the U.S. Capitol: the U.S. Army can stop another attack

National Interest · Kris Osborn · January 10, 2021

I do not think we want the active-duty military in DC. Sure, it has been done before in our history, but I think we need to avoid it now.


17. Lawmakers may have been exposed to the coronavirus in Capitol lockdown, attending physician says

Washington Post · Paulina Firozi, Amy B Wang, & Mike DeBonis · January 10, 2021

This is not good.


18. The Capitol mob: A raging collection of grievances and disillusionment

Washington Post · Amy Brittain et al · January 10, 2021

Is the subtitle the perfect storm of conditions?


19. Rep. Eshoo introduces legislation to change congressional oath of office

Congresswoman Anna G. Eshoo · December 23, 2020

I understand there are no co-sponsors and, thus, is unlikely to pass or even make it to the floor. It should not be necessary. The oath should mean this to everyone already. But maybe people need a reminder.


20. Special operations news update – Monday, January 11, 2021

SOF News · January 11, 2021


"As we bring up our children, we have to remember that we are caretakers of the future. By improving their education, we improve the future of mankind, the future of this world."

- Immanuel Kant

"For if a person shifts their caution to their caution to their own reasoned choices, they will at the same time gain the will to avoid, but they shift their caution away from their own reasoned choices to things not under their control, seeking to avoid what is controlled by others, they will then be agitated, fearful, and unstable."

- Epictetus

"When an arrow does not hit its target, the marksman blames himself, not another person.  A wise man behaves in the same way."

- Confucius

1/11/2021 News & Commentary - Korea

Mon, 01/11/2021 - 11:45am

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Duncan Moore.

1. N. Korea crowns leader Kim Jong-Un as party's general secretary

2. Demotion of N.K. leader's sister at party congress raises questions over her status

3. Signs detected of N. Korea staging military parade in Pyongyang late Sunday: JCS

4. Press release of 8th Congress of WPK

5. 1st Plenary Meeting of 8th WPK Central Committee Held under Guidance of General Secretary of WPK Kim Jong Un

6. In-depth analysis needed to decide development of nuke-powered submarine: Seoul ministry

7. S. Korea to 'actively' consider joining CPTPP this year

8. South Korea president promises stronger alliance with US under Biden administration

9. Moon says all S. Koreans will be given free COVID-19 vaccines

10. The cost for politicians kneeling down to authority

11. 42 USFK-affiliated people test positive for coronavirus

12. Kim Jong-Un proves Moon's hopes are pipe dreams

13. Party congress participants told to take off masks during main event

14. Entire management at Chagang Province labor camp replaced due to human rights abuses

15. Kim Jong Un appears to hold military parade after blasting U.S.

16. Moon underlines last-minute diplomacy with North Korea in New Year speech

17. Kim says North Korean efforts will focus on bringing US 'to their knees'


1. N. Korea crowns leader Kim Jong-un as party's general secretary

Yonhap News Agency · 최수향 · January 11, 2021

One man, one vote, one choice, one elected leader with no opponent: North Korean democracy with Juche characteristics.

But does renaming the Ministry of People's Armed Forces as the defense ministry really make the North a "normal" state?

Also, some interesting personnel moves that may indicate policy direction. Personnel is often policy.


2. Demotion of N.K. leader's sister at party congress raises questions over her status

Yonhap News Agency · 이원주 · January 11, 2021

I do not think we should jump to any conclusion about Kim Yo-Jong. Yes, it does seem significant that she was not listed as a senior member of the regime. But I still believe she is the person Kim trusts the most and she is a key member of the family and the Paektu bloodline. She appeared to be present throughout the 8th Party Congress in the photos that were provided by KCNA.  So, I am going to reserve judgment on her status.


3. Signs detected of N. Korea staging military parade in Pyongyang late Sunday: JCS

Yonhap News Agency · 오석민 · January 11, 2021

This may provide us some insights into future regime actions.


4. Press release of 8th Congress of WPK

KCNA Watch · January 11, 2021

Here is the list from KCNA for all the hardcore Korea watchers. Some may want to turn this into a scorecard and match this with all the leadership positions.


5. 1st Plenary Meeting of 8th WPK Central Committee Held under Guidance of General Secretary of WPK Kim Jong Un

KCNA Watch · January 11, 2021

A summary of the plenary meeting.

It is all about regime/party control.

Recall the question: who does Kim fear more–the US or the Korean people in the North? This is one indication of how paranoid is Kim.


6. In-depth analysis needed to decide development of nuke-powered submarine: Seoul ministry

Yonhap News Agency · 오석민 · January 11, 2021

It would be a waste of time and resources for the South to build a nuclear-powered submarine. Seoul would be better served in investing the resources in meeting the conditions for OPCON transition if it truly wants to have a chance of meeting Moon's desired timeline. If it chooses to invest in a developing a nuclear-powered submarine simply because the North says it is going to develop one, then Seoul has no business pursuing OPCON transition as its priorities are skewed.


7. S. Korea to 'actively' consider joining CPTPP this year

Yonhap News Agency · 김수연 · January 11, 2021

An interesting development.


8. South Korea president promises stronger alliance with US under Biden administration

Stars & Stripes · Matthew Keeler & Yoo Kyong Change · January 11, 2021

Regardless of administrations in both nations we need a strong alliance for each country to protect, sustain, and advance their strategic interests in Northeast Asia.


9. Moon says all S. Koreans will be given free COVID-19 vaccines

Yonhap News Agency · 이치동 · January 11, 2021


10. The cost for politicians kneeling down to authority

Dong-A Ilbo · · January 11, 2021

This op-ed is from a Korean journalist from the South serving in our nation's capital and she provides a Korean perspective on what took place.


11. 42 USFK-affiliated people test positive for coronavirus

Yonhap News Agency · 최수향 · January 11, 2021


12. Kim Jong-Un proves Moon's hopes are pipe dreams

Chosun Ilbo · January 11, 2021

Thank you to the Chosun Ilbo editorial board. The Moon administration must reassess its strategic assumptions about the nature and objectives of the Kim family regime.


13. Party congress participants told to take off masks during main event

Daily NK · Jang Seul Gi · January 11, 2021

Perhaps the 8th Party Congress will someday be known as a historical super spreader event.


14. Entire management at Chagang Province labor camp replaced due to human rights abuses

Daily NK · Ha Yoon Ah · January 11, 2021

Is this act one of the regime trying to give the appearance that it is going to stop human rights abuses? If that were the case, the regime would close all the camps and free all the prisoners without further harm. But the regime is not changing and we should not be duped by its actions.


15. Kim Jong Un appears to hold military parade after blasting U.S.

Bloomberg · Jeong-Ho Lee & Jon Herskovitz · January 10, 2021

But what was in the parade? I want to know what the regime put on display. Will they release video?  I will be on the lookout for it of course as it may help us determine Kim's intent for a provocation.


16. Moon underlines last-minute diplomacy with North Korea in New Year speech

Korea Times · Do Je-hae · January 11, 2021

I fear the Moon administration and the ruling party are delusional. Certainly, Kim Jong-Un does not share their vision.


17. Kim says North Korean efforts will focus on bringing US 'to their knees'

Hill · Jordan Williams · January 9, 2021

Oh, the regime rhetoric. At least it is admitting it is conducting political warfare to support the revolution.

Perhaps the US need to get on its knees because North Korea is such a little country and Kim Jong-Un is such a little man—so we have to get on our knees to address him like the child he is (note: sarcasm).


"As we bring up our children, we have to remember that we are caretakers of the future. By improving their education, we improve the future of mankind, the future of this world."

- Immanuel Kant

"For if a person shifts their caution to their caution to their own reasoned choices, they will at the same time gain the will to avoid, but they shift their caution away from their own reasoned choices to things not under their control, seeking to avoid what is controlled by others, they will then be agitated, fearful, and unstable."

- Epictetus

"When an arrow does not hit its target, the marksman blames himself, not another person.  A wise man behaves in the same way."

- Confucius

01/10/2021 News & Commentary - National Security

Sun, 01/10/2021 - 1:35pm

News and Commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and Published by Riley Murray.


1. Lifting Self-Imposed Restrictions on the U.S.-Taiwan Relationship

2. US Ends Curbs On Official American Contacts With Taiwan

3. How antisemitic conspiracy theories fueled the Capitol Hill riots

4. Facts won't fix this: experts on how to fight America's disinformation crisis

5.  World Shouldn't Laugh at U.S. Too Soon

6. Insurrection and misinformation is tearing the country into three Americas

7. Who is Jack Ma? Where the Alibaba co-founder came from and disappeared to

8. Months ahead of Capitol riot, DHS threat assessment group was gutted: Officials

9. Why the West Isn't Confronting China Over Coronavirus

10. Riots Shine Light on 'Infamously Opaque' Capitol Police

11. US Congressman Andy Kim helps clean up Capitol

12. China's underwater drones seized in Indonesia expose tech, routes and potential submarine plans

13. Mass Delusion in America: What I heard from insurrectionists on their march to the Capitol

14. US intelligence agencies have 180 days to share what they know about UFOs, thanks to the Covid-19 relief and spending bill

15. Before Mob Stormed the Capitol, Days of Security Planning Involved Cabinet Officials and President Trump

16. Capitol Hill violence was not a 'victory' for Putin: In reality, Russia fears consequences of political instability in US

17. Chinese censorship invades the U.S. via WeChat

18. Inside the Capitol siege: How barricaded lawmakers and aides sounded urgent pleas for help as police lost control

19. America's Authoritarian Adversaries Seize the Moment

20. Analysis | Most Americans reject the attack on the Capitol - but millions empathize with the mob


1. Lifting Self-Imposed Restrictions on the U.S.-Taiwan Relationship · by Michael R. Pompeo, Secretary of State

Fascinating timing.


2. US Ends Curbs On Official American Contacts With Taiwan

Barron's · by AFP - Agence France Presse

How does this impact the incoming administration? Does it provide flexibility or top cover to allow continued high-level engagement with Taiwan by US officials?  Or will the incoming administration rescind this and appear to be kowtowing to China?


3. How antisemitic conspiracy theories fueled the Capitol Hill riots · by Isobel Cockerell · January 8, 2021

We have so many who are influenced by propaganda couched as conspiracy theories that are simply anti-Semitic and racist.


4. Facts won't fix this: experts on how to fight America's disinformation crisis

The Guardian · by Lois Beckett · January 1, 2021

This was published on New Year’s Day before last week's insurrection.


5. World Shouldn't Laugh at U.S. Too Soon

Bloomberg · by Mihir Sharma · January 10, 2021

This is an OpEd with which I want to associate myself.  To borrow from Nietzsche: "That which does not kill our democracy will make our democracy stronger."


Now, a lot of this is entertaining and some of it is understandable. Certainly, nobody who lives in an emerging nation likes to hear shocked liberal Americans declaring their country's turmoil similar to events "in the Third World." In India, for example, we manage to conduct much larger elections than the U.S. endures with far fewer complications.

But I think all of us busy mocking the U.S. and declaring the end of American exceptionalism also need to take a deep breath. The fact is that America has survived its populist moment in far better shape than most of the rest of us.


6. Insurrection and misinformation is tearing the country into three Americas

Axios · by Jim VandeHei

It sure looks like this: "America, in its modern foundational components, is breaking into blue America, red America, and Trump America - all with distinct politics, social networks and media channels."


7. Who is Jack Ma? Where the Alibaba co-founder came from and disappeared to

New York Post · by Dana Kennedy · January 9, 2021


But for all his shrewdness, Ma failed to see what should have been obvious to him and everyone around him, Navarro said. "Xi's been consolidating power for the last four to five years."

"He's doing the same thing to Chinese oligarchs as Putin did to Russian oligarchs. They get money and fall in love with the West and forget where they come from. Then they get slapped down. There's a Chinese expression called 'kill the chicken, scare the monkey' which means to make an example of someone. That's what they're doing to him. They'll probably let him come back but his marching orders will be to just shut up and make money."

Singleton agreed.

"He will re-surface and will have to publicly repent but not on his terms," Singleton said. "But I bet Jack Ma will comply because he doesn't want to see this massive thing he built blew up. He's a strategic thinker and he's still someone to be reckoned with."


8. Months ahead of Capitol riot, DHS threat assessment group was gutted: Officials · by ABC News

Sometimes too small a government is not good.  We need a correctly resourced government.


9. Why the West Isn't Confronting China Over Coronavirus

The National Interest · by Andrew A. Michta · January 9, 2021


The challenge that China poses for the United States and the democratic world, in general, is orders of magnitude greater than the threat posed to NATO by the Warsaw Pact during the Cold War. China's rise is occurring at a time when the United States is coming off two decades of continuous wars in secondary theaters, which not only consumed trillions of dollars but also restructured its military away from large scale combat operations against another great power. During the Cold War the United States faced only one near-peer military competitor: the Soviet Union-Maoist China was a regional player at best. The Nixon-Kissinger gambit that pulled it closer to the United States in effect lowered the cost of containment and contributed to America's victory in the Cold War. In contrast, today we are confronted by two near-peer competitors in the military arena, for Russia is aligned with China in its opposition to the United States. Moscow remains determined to revise the post-Cold War settlement while Beijing wants to completely replace it with one built around its own power and geostrategic priorities.

The lack of consensus across the West about the threat that China poses to the international order is likely to remain the most intractable problem for NATO and transatlantic relations going forward, presenting a fundamental obstacle to building a workable joint strategy to outcompete China and preserve our dominant position. So long as such a consensus is missing, Beijing will be able to leverage the policy differences and divergent economic priorities of the United States and Europe to its benefit.


10. Riots Shine Light on 'Infamously Opaque' Capitol Police · by Courtney Bublé

I remember serving in the Army in the early 1980s with a former Secret Service agent who had been on duty during the Reagan assassination attempt.  And to this day I remember him describing the complex jurisdiction problems and the numerous law enforcement and public safety organizations that overlap and most importantly compete with each other for limited federal resources.


11. US Congressman Andy Kim helps clean up Capitol - 9 January 2021

Servant leadership.


12.  China's underwater drones seized in Indonesia expose tech, routes and potential submarine plans – by Kristin Huang

I hope we are able to exploit this intelligence with the Indonesians.


13. Mass Delusion in America: What I heard from insurrectionists on their march to the Capitol

The Atlantic · by Jeffrey Goldberg · January 7, 2021

An event of "mass delusion."  That seems to be quite an apt description.  The comments heard are very important to understanding what happened.


14. US intelligence agencies have 180 days to share what they know about UFOs, thanks to the Covid-19 relief and spending bill

CNN · by Harmeet Kaur

I am glad we have our priorities straight.  The real threat may be UFOs.  We need to rally against that real "external enemy."


15. Before Mob Stormed the Capitol, Days of Security Planning Involved Cabinet Officials and President Trump

ProPublica · by Joshua Kaplan

The DOD memo is at this link:


16. Capitol Hill violence was not a 'victory' for Putin: In reality, Russia fears consequences of political instability in US

From the Russian propaganda mouthpiece: RT - Russia Today.


17. Chinese censorship invades the U.S. via WeChat

The Washington Post – by Jeanne Whalen - January 7, 2021


Teng, a dissident who fled China after clashing with the authorities over his human rights work, said he often censors himself on WeChat, avoiding political posts and mostly sticking to personal photos and news so his friends back home "might know I am still alive."

He agrees that banning WeChat would "bring a lot of inconvenience" to Chinese speakers. But ultimately Teng said he supports the idea.

"I think WeChat should be banned because it is a censorship tool and also a propaganda and misinformation tool," he said. "WeChat is controlled by the Chinese authorities. It's not like another Twitter or Facebook."


18. Inside the Capitol siege: How barricaded lawmakers and aides sounded urgent pleas for help as police lost control

The Washington Post - By Karoun Demirjian, Carol D. Leonnig, Paul Kane and Aaron C. Davis - January 10, 2021


19. America's Authoritarian Adversaries Seize the Moment

National Review Online · by Jimmy Quinn · January 10, 2021

Key Point: "These observers and others are right to lament the damage that this does to U.S. democracy promotion efforts and the gift that it's been to foreign authoritarian regimes. Still, the precise extent of that harm remains to be seen. This depends on how - and whether - Americans remedy the ills wrought by the mayhem and confront the political forces and disinformation epidemic that enabled it. In the short term, though, these efforts should be accompanied by a forceful rebuttal of foreign authoritarian efforts to exploit the moment."


So the immediate reaction should be to discredit foreign propaganda and expose the anti-democratic motives behind it. This alone won't be enough, though. Messages for an international audience to protest measures to punish human-rights abusers stand less chance of swaying people than do similar messages designed for domestic consumption that can erode the efforts of pro-democracy forces in those countries. The president's conduct and the Capitol mobs handed them a news cycle that's crowded out talk of everything from Beijing's Hong Kong crackdown to Iran's obstruction of the investigation into the civilian airliner taken down by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps over Tehran last year.

There's little disputing that this assault on the peaceful transfer of power seems likely to have severe consequences for America's global credibility unless the downward spiral slows.


20.  Analysis | Most Americans reject the attack on the Capitol - but millions empathize with the mob

The Washington Post · January 9, 2021

The headline is the paradox we cannot grasp.


"I do believe that political arrangements which are based upon violence, intimidation and theft will eventually break down - and will deserve to do so." 

- Margaret Thatcher


"You can justify, from a political standpoint, any type of violence you want to use." 

- Jerry Vlasak


"When we use the word domestic [terrorism], we discount its actual impact as political terrorism, which is, of course, political violence meant to impact an audience outside of the immediate victims." 

- Malcolm Wrightson Nance