Small Wars Journal

3 April SWJ Roundup

Sun, 04/03/2011 - 2:51am

Deadly Protests Against Quran Burning Spread in Afghanistan - VOA

Protests Over Koran Burning Reach Kandahar - New York Times

Protests Against Koran Burning Spread in Afghanistan - Washington Post

9 More Killed in Protests Over Koran-burning - Los Angeles Times

Afghan Riots Over Quran-Burning: 2 Days, 20 Dead - Associated Press

Ten Dead on Second Day of Afghan Koran Burning Protests - Reuters

Afghanistan: Obama Condemns Killings of U.N. Staff - BBC News

U.N. Envoy: U.N. Workers Killed Running From Bunker - Associated Press


Spy Chief's Tenure Is Extended in Pakistan - New York Times

Libya / Operation Odyssey Dawn

Libyan Rebels Struggle to Explain Rift - Washington Post

Libya Mission: U.S. Eases Off, Gadhafi Holds On - Associated Press

NATO Investigating Reports Airstrike Killed Libyan Civilians - VOA

NATO Airstrike Reportedly Kills Rebels in Libya - New York Times

NATO Airstrike Reportedly Kills 13 Libya Rebels - Los Angeles Times

Libyan Rebels Say Airstrike Killed 13 of their Own - Associated Press

Coalition 'Friendly Fire' Kills 13 Libyan Rebels - Reuters

NATO Strikes on Libya an Echo of Serbia Conflict - Associated Press

Libya's Uprising Attracts Participants Worldwide - Washington Post

Lockerbie Relative Urges Questioning of Libyan - Associated Press

The Libya Liquidation Strategy - Washington Post opinion


Egypt's Military Keeping Old Tactics - Washington Post


Yemeni Opposition Proposes Transition of Power - Associated Press

Yemen Opposition Transition Plan Awaits Saleh Answer - Reuters


Syria Detains Activists in Dawn Sweeps After Massive Protests - VOA

Syria Unrest: Wave of Arrests Follows Protests - BBC News

Syria Tightens Security Following Protests - Associated Press

Syrians Chant 'Freedom,' Receive Wounded in Suburb - Reuters


AP Interview: Iraqi PM Confident on Reforms - Associated Press

Al-Qaida in Iraq Claims Responsibility for Tikrit Attack - Voice of America

Tribal Lawsuits, 'Fake Sheiks' Threaten Iraqi Doctors - Washington Post

Iraq PM Says Libya Assault Selective - Associated Press


Iran: The Larger Game in the Middle East - New York Times

Four Iranian Police Killed in Border Attack - Reuters

Israel / Palestinians

In Israel, Time for Peace Offer May Run Out - New York Times

U.N. Regrets Saying Israel Intentionally Killed Gazans - New York Times

U.N. Gaza Report 'Should be Buried' - BBC News

Israel Urges U.N. to Cancel Gaza War Crimes Report - Reuters

Judge Rethinks Findings on Israel's Gaza Conduct - Associated Press

Israel Hits Hamas Squad Allegedly Planning Kidnap - Voice of America

Israeli Tells Citizens to Leave Sinai Immediately - Associated Press


U.S. Embassy Group Attacked in Southern Lebanon - Associated Press

Middle East / North Africa Unrest

Latest Developments in Arab World's Unrest - Associated Press

Japan Earthquake / Tsunami

Fallout Circles Globe, Nuclear Sleuths Sift For Clues - Washington Post

Japan Finds Radioactive Water Leaking into Ocean - Voice of America

Reactor Pit Found Leaking Radioactive Water Into Sea - New York Times

Radioactive Water Found Leaking Into Sea - Washington Post

Japan Nuclear Struggle Focuses on Cracked Reactor Pit - Reuters

From Far Labs, a Vivid Picture Emerges of Crisis - New York Times

Ordeal Continues for Japan's Nuclear Evacuees - Voice of America

Two Workers' Bodies Recovered at Fukushima - Los Angeles Times

Japan's Military Steps Up to Provide Services - Washington Post

Gov't Focus on Nuke Crisis Angers Tsunami Victims - Associated Press


Emirates Ship MV Arrilah-I Freed from Pirates - BBC News

UAE Anti-Terrorist Unit Takes Ship From Pirates - Associated Press

UAE Forces Storm Hijacked Ship, Detain Pirates - Reuters

U.S. Department of Defense

Columbia University Votes to End 4-decade ROTC Ban - Associated Press

Army: Test-takers Offer Advice, Opinions on New PRT - Army Times

What Would You Do With an Extra $70 Billion? - New York Times editorial

United States

Koran-Burning Pastor Unrepentant in Face of Furor - New York Times

House Panel Urges Keeping National Guard at Border - Arizona Republic

2 Convicted of Kidnapping Slain U.S. Drug Trafficker - Associated Press

Is It Better to Save No One? - New York Times

United Kingdom

Booby-trap Bomb Kills Northern Ireland Policeman - Associated Press

Car Bomb Kills Policeman in Northern Ireland - Reuters


Doctors Go Far Afield to Battle Epidemics - New York Times


Entrenched Ivory Coast Leader Calls for Resistance - Associated Press

HRW Warns Against Violations in Ivory Coast Fighting - Voice of America

Hundreds Killed in Ivory Coast Massacre - New York Times

Ivory Coast Conflict Intensifies Amid Massacre Reports - Washington Post

As Many as 1,000 Killed in Ivory Coast Town - Los Angeles Times

Ivory Coast: Battle for Abidjan Intensifies - BBC News

Charity: More Than 1,000 Killed in Ivorian Town - Associated Press

Fighting Rages in Ivory Coast, 800 Dead in West - Reuters

Parliamentary Elections Postponed in Parts of Nigeria - Voice of America

Missing Materials Blamed for Vote Delay in Nigeria - Reuters

Congo: 'Dancing in the Glory of Monsters' - New York Times


How a U.S. Bank Laundered Mexican Drug Money - The Guardian

Mexico: Thousands Missing in Drugs War Says CNDH - BBC News

Gunmen Attack Mexican Border Bar, Killing 5 - Associated Press

Drug Kingpin to be Extradited to Venezuela - Washington Post

4 Police Injured in Nicaragua Opposition Protests - Associated Press

Bitter Battle Over Body of Venezuelan Ex-President - Associated Press

Asia Pacific

China Expanding Nuclear Power, Lacks Emergency Planning - Washington Post

Central Asia

Polls Open in Kazakhstan's Presidential Election - Associated Press

Kazakh Leader to Tighten Grip in Early Election - Reuters


Kremlin to Putin: Start State Board Purge by July 1 - Reuters

Crackdown on Protesters Upsets Lives in Belarus - New York Times

Spain Premier Won't Seek Re-election - Associated Press

Thousands March for Basque Party in Spain - Associated Press

Berlusconi Seeks to Ease Migrant Tension in Italy - Reuters

Turkish Nuclear Plans on Mediterranean Raise Fears - Associated Press

South Asia

As India Rises, Northeast State Wracked by Chaos - Associated Press

India Charges Ex-telecoms Minister Raja with Fraud - BBC News