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Iran’s Military Expeditionary Capabilities ‘Limited’ But Heeding Valuable Lessons Learned

11.20.2019 at 01:47pm

Iran’s Military Expeditionary Capabilities ‘Limited’ But Heeding Valuable Lessons Learned by Shawn Snow – Military Times

Iran has shown its ability to deploy forces and air assets beyond its borders in support of allies across the Middle East in the wake of civil wars that have destabilized the region, according to a defense intelligence report on Iran’s military capabilities.

The report titled “Iran Military Power” was produced by the Defense Intelligence Agency and released on Tuesday.

The report described Iran’s ability to flex its forces beyond its borders as “limited” but Iran is heeding lessons learned from conflicts in Syria, Iraq and Yemen where its forces are combating ISIS militants and propping up proxy forces in the region.

Iran has also conducted “limited out-of-area naval operations as far as China, South Africa, and the Mediterranean Sea,” according to the report…

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