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US–Taliban Peace Talks Betray the Trust of the Afghan People

07.16.2019 at 06:30am

US–Taliban Peace Talks Betray the Trust of the Afghan People by Akram Gizabi – Military Times

When the US started bombing Taliban positions in 2001, there was a euphoric relief shown by the majority of people whose lives were hell under the Taliban despotic rule. More than most, the religious minorities of Afghanistan, such as the Hazaras, Hindus and Jews — and of course women of all ethnic groups — were relieved that finally their nightmares were over.

People were dejected because, under the guise of Islam, they were being brutalized by agents of a foreign power. Cutting off of limbs and executions of women and men were public spectacles, as was stoning women to death for adultery. People were forced to watch, and in some cases participate, in these brutalities.

They behaved according to the dictates of their sect of religion, which is not favorable to women education, employment or empowerment. During the Taliban reign from 1996 to 2001, women were practically under house arrest. They could only venture out when accompanied by a male relative and only when they were attired in a way that would not draw men’s attention…

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