How to Fix the Pentagon’s Misused War Spending Account
06.19.2019 at 06:46pm
How to Fix the Pentagon’s Misused War Spending Account by Rick Berger and Mackenzie Eaglen – American Enterprise Institute
Key Points
- The use of “fake Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO)” funds is a product of the arbitrary Budget Control Act (BCA) spending caps and will not disappear until the caps do. The only honest solution is to eliminate those caps and begin budgeting based on real needs with real money in real accounts.
- The cynicism generated by the “fake OCO” and the attention given to that gimmick detract from discussions about the problems with enduring conflict costs in the “real OCO” budget.
- The generational nature of America’s current conflict against violent extremist organizations demands a fresh look at budgeting for these military operations. Congress should reform the “real OCO” budget over the next two years and phase in a new account once the BCA expires.
- Besides reforming OCO, lawmakers can simultaneously improve Pentagon planning, broaden public understanding of war costs, and strengthen congressional oversight over the use of military force and associated spending.