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More Evidence Emerges of Iran-Al Qaeda Ties

05.10.2019 at 04:25pm

More Evidence Emerges of Iran-Al Qaeda Ties by Hollie McKay – Fox News

As the Trump administration doubles down on the contention that Tehran is cooperating with Al Qaeda, another former Iranian commander has reportedly come forward with allegations about an Iran-Al Qaeda link.

Said Qasemi, a now-retired spokesperson for Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), told Al Arabiya that IRGC deployed undercover soldiers to Bosnia-Herzegovina during its conflict in the 1990s under the pretense that they were members of Tehran’s state-endorsed Red Crescent.

This is alleged to have been in cooperation with an Al Qaeda unit operating in the region, as confirmed by another IRGC official, whereby the two groups were able to engage in joint weapons training.

IRGC has long and persistently denied long-running claims by the international community, however, of any associations between the two factions — who view the U.S. as a staunch enemy – even as more claims and documents to the contrary have piled up over the years…

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