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Back to the Metropolis: The First Wave of Marines Will Head Into the Corps’ New Urban Battle Experiments

05.07.2019 at 11:58pm

Back to the Metropolis: The First Wave of Marines Will Head Into the Corps’ New Urban Battle Experiments by Todd South – Marine Corps Times

Marines are headed to the state of Indiana in August as part of a restart of the Corps’ long-running interest in urban warfare.


A rifle company worth of grunts will prowl the mock-city terrain of the Muscatatuck Urban Training Center in Butlerville, Indiana, while testing out a new formation, new positions and new technology the Corps is asking to bring to the fight.


This coming rotation will be the first held each August until 2023, according to a recent online posting by the Marine Corps Warfighting Lab.

The focus areas for this year’s experiments include sensing and locating threat, lethality, command and control and maneuver…

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