NATO Chief Urges Unity, Warns of Russia Threat in Address to U.S. Congress
NATO Chief Urges Unity, Warns of Russia Threat in Address to U.S. Congress by Patricia Zengerle and Doina Chiacu – Reuters
The head of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization warned the U.S. Congress on Wednesday of the threat posed by “a more assertive Russia,” including a massive military buildup, threats to sovereign states, the use of nerve agents and cyberattacks.
“We must overcome our differences now because we will need our alliance even more in the future. We face unprecedented challenges – challenges no one nation can face alone,” NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said.
Stoltenberg, saying “time is running out,” also called on Russia to return to compliance with the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty, from which Trump plans to withdraw the United States this summer.
“NATO has no intention of deploying land-based nuclear missiles in Europe,” Stoltenberg said in a speech that was an impassioned defence of the 70-year-old alliance. “But NATO will always take the necessary steps to provide credible and effective deterrence.” …