Outgoing Amb. Haley: The U.S. Shouldn’t Give Even A Dollar to Pakistan
Outgoing Amb. Haley: The U.S. Shouldn’t Give Even A Dollar to Pakistan – Ariana News
The outgoing American ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley says Pakistan continues to harbour terrorists that turn around and kill American soldiers, asserting that Washington should not give Islamabad even a dollar until it addresses the issue.
Haley said that U.S. did not need to give money to countries that wish harm to America, go behind its back and try and “stop us from doing things”.
” … I think there should be a strategic view on which countries we partner with, which ones we count on to work with us on certain things, and move forward accordingly. I think we just blindly allow money to keep going without thinking that this is real leverage. We have to use it,” Haley told US magazine ‘The Atlantic’, cited by the Times of India…