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CNAS Releases Two Essays in Series Examining the State of Women in National Security

09.25.2017 at 03:02pm

The Center for a New American Security Releases Two Essays in Series Examining the State of Women in National Security

CNAS Press Release

Washington, September 25 – The Center for a New American Security (CNAS) today released two essays as part of its Women in National Security Project. The essay series, along with associated podcasts, publications, and events, is designed to bring discussions of gender and inclusivity to national security audiences that do not normally focus on them. The project also weaves the experiences and priorities of women into the broader scope of CNAS work.

The Power of Example” is by Laura Rosenberger, Director of the Alliance for Securing Democracy and former Chief of Staff to Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Rosenberger draws on personal experience to demonstrate that women in high-ranking positions in U.S. delegations serve as an example to other delegations and help break down stereotypes about women’s roles simply by doing their jobs.

Gender Equality as a National Security Priority” is by Julia Santucci, Senior Lecturer and Director of the new Hesselbein Forum Leadership Program in International Affairs at the University of Pittsburgh and former Senior Advisor in the Secretary of State’s office of Global Women’s Issues. Santucci argues that U.S. efforts to forge a peaceful and secure world depend on continued U.S. commitment to advancing the inclusion and empowerment of women and girls. She offers five recommendations for how the Trump administration could make progress, even if it pursues plans to scale back America’s diplomatic and development presence overseas.

These pieces are also part of CNAS’ Voices from the Field Series. Voices from the Field was developed to feature timely analysis gleaned from current or former U.S. government practitioners who have recently served either overseas in strategic areas of the world or who have participated in critical policy deliberations.

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