Colors in Concrete
Colors in Concrete
Keith Nightingale
The city is crumbles, chunks, and powdered concrete
Twisted girders shadow streets, moving with the sun
Window frames yawn and vacantly stare
Wires, once high, now drape and line the avenues
Geometric lanes of death and mutual assured destruction
The wind blows furtively, pushing waves of plastic, dust and paper in its path
Forms lie prostrate, liquid red ochre oozing in the dust
Dogs find wary solace in shrouded corners, casting fearful inquisitive eyes
Sounds echo from the myriad machines of death called infantry
Temporarily playing
Permanently dying
Working. Working. Working through the streets
Brass and links create a discordant concert on the pavement
Shadows stalk shadows and echo responses
Concrete powders. Pavement erupts and steel finds new space
Man’s work becomes nature’s garden
Refuse piles protect and nurture
Men move, but seeds stay
Blown on winds beyond control of a bullet’s grasp–
Nature’s hope despite human actions
The shadows and uniforms ebb and flow in fiery energy
Nature’s ancient seeds remain docile, silent, and unyielding
Generationally experienced in the whims of man
Ultimate conquerors riding on images of suppliance
Rain and blood nurture
Liquid iron, rain, and sunshine unleash powers beyond the greatest energies the combatants could ever muster
The tiny grows and thrives in the combatant climate as if energized by the extra rations brought to bear
Slowly, almost imperceptibly, green emerges as color– becomes noticeable to both sides
Hope and wishes of equal fervor
A future where none now exists
The seeds of soldiers