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Ground Truth

03.16.2017 at 04:42pm

Ground Truth

Keith Nightingale

It is very hard to explain combat and its effect on people that have not been there. It requires no explanation for those that have. The pair in this image may have recently met but they are bonded for life.

Together, they experienced something few ever or should have. The result was that they became brothers with an attachment stronger than a common womb.

In some future years, one may call the other on a dark and rainy night and ask for help. The time between them will be evaporated with a voice and the other will show at the door.

His family will not understand but everyone who has been there will.

In the simplest terms, it is what was, what is and what always will be.

It is one of the simplest yet complex of life's relationships.

It is the brotherhood.

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