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Mad Scientist Conference Information Paper

09.28.2015 at 09:48pm

Mad Scientist Conference Information Paper

SUBJECT:  Mad Scientist Conference: Human Dimension 2025 and Beyond

1.  Purpose.  To provide information on the upcoming Mad Scientist Conference to be held at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, 27-28 October 2015, with a specific focus on the Human Dimension of Armed Conflict in the far future (2025 and Beyond).

2.  Facts. 

     a. The Mad Scientist initiative enables continuous dialogue to help the Army think about the evolution of the Operational Environment (OE) and the effects of all aspects of technology on the far future of Armed Conflict. 

     b. This effort ensures we continuously learn, adapt, and innovate and allow for broader engagement in problem solving, and maintain a perspective on understanding the far future OE and the underlying technology evolution to support the Campaign of Learning, 2025 Maneuvers, and capability Development for the Army.

     c. During the conference, in collaboration with Army University and the Human Dimension Task Force, TRADOC G2 will address three primary objectives:

          (1) Individual:  Identify what emerging concepts and capabilities will optimize human performance of Soldiers and Civilians to thrive in the far future strategic environment.  Address how these emerging concepts and capabilities will disrupt current structures, systems and processes.  Propose changes which may be necessary to rapidly integrate new concepts and capabilities into existing structures and processes.

          (2) Teams: Identify what emerging concepts and capabilities can maximize training for complex environments and build cohesive teams who improve and thrive in the ambiguity and chaos of the likely strategic environment of the far future. Address how these emerging concepts and capabilities will disrupt current structures, systems and processes.  Propose changes which may be necessary to rapidly integrate new concepts and capabilities into existing structures and processes.

          (3) Institution:  Identify what emerging capabilities will optimize educational institutions to rapidly adapt with the dynamic strategic environment of the far future.  Address how these emerging concepts and capabilities will disrupt current structures, systems and processes.  Propose changes which may be necessary to rapidly integrate new concepts and capabilities into existing structures and processes.

     d. Conference attendance is very limited; we invite you to join us on the TRADOC Watch website at: .

     e. Remote attendees will also be able to participate in the discussions via an online chat room and will be provided an opportunity to provide questions that will be proposed to Conference speakers.

     f. Please join the All Partners Action Network (APAN) to receive updates on the conference, to include list of speakers, agenda and related information.  The URL for APAN is

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