Mr. Lind, May We Focus Our Rage Please?
Mr. Lind, May We Focus Our Rage Please? By Commander Salamander
Many of you have by now have at least heard of, if not read, William S. Lind’s latest, “An Officer Corps That Can’t Score.” If not, give it a read and come back. A lot of people are taking a swing at it – and now what everyone is back from Easter doings, time for me to give it a shot as well.
Off the bat, Lind made a statement that needs immediate rebuttal;
“The most curious thing about our four defeats in Fourth Generation War—Lebanon, Somalia, Iraq, and Afghanistan—is the utter silence in the American officer corps.”
Well, I’m not sure where or who he is listening to – but there is not silence on any of these issues … and there is the problem I think…