Retiring the A-10 Early Puts Troops’ Lives at Risk
Retiring the A-10 Early Puts Troops' Lives at Risk by Senators Kelly Ayotte, John McCain & Saxby Chambliss, Real Clear Defense
When we send our troops into harm’s way, we have a solemn obligation to ensure they have the very best support possible so they can accomplish their missions and return home safely.
This is certainly true when it comes to close air support (CAS) aircraft, which provide ground troops with the decisive firepower they need when they are engaged in close contact with the enemy.
Ask any soldier which aircraft provides the best CAS, and they’ll tell you it’s the combat-proven A-10.
Last week, the Chief of Staff of the Army, General Ray Odierno, reiterated his belief that the A-10 is “the best close air support aircraft” and confirmed that the Army did not recommend that the Air Force retire the A-10. He said, “our soldiers are very confident in the system.” …