Syrian Refugees & Why Realists Are The Real Ethicists
Syrian Refugees & Why Realists Are The Real Ethicists by Ryan Evans, War on the Rocks.
… Syria is twice afflicted this winter. This convulsing country is suffering through the most deadly conflict in its history and just experienced its most violent winter storm in a century, making life all the more intolerable for those caught in the middle. I am writing to you today, War on the Rocks readers, to ask you to help Syrian refugees.
In no small part because of statements like the one that introduces this article, the realist school of thought is often portrayed as being disdainful of humanitarianism and ethics. Critics charge that realism’s professed amorality makes it, in effect, immoral and accuse realists of handicapping the “better angels of our nature” by emphasizing a pessimistic view of human nature. This becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, according to some…