Recent Joint Publications Posted
Just Released by NDU Press: The Noncommissioned Officer and Petty Officer: Backbone of the Armed Forces
A first of its kind, this book—of, by, and for the noncommissioned officer and petty officer—is a comprehensive explanation of the enlisted leader across the U.S. Armed Services. Written by a team of Active, Reserve, and retired senior enlisted leaders from all Service branches, this book defines and describes how NCOs/POs fit into an organization, centers them in the Profession of Arms, explains their dual roles of complementing the officer and enabling the force, and exposes their international engagement.
JP 3-24, Counterinsurgency, 22 November 2013
This publication provides joint doctrine for the planning, execution, and assessment of counterinsurgency operations.
JP 1-05, Religious Affairs in Joint Operations, 20 November 2013
This publication provides doctrine for religious affairs in joint operations. It also provides information on the chaplain’s roles as the principal advisor to the joint force commander on religious affairs and a key advisor on the impact of religion on military operations. It further provides information on the chaplain’s role of delivering and facilitating religious ministries in joint operations.
JP 3-06, Joint Urban Operations, 20 November 2013
This publication provides joint doctrine for the planning, execution, and assessment of joint operations in an urban environment.
JP 1-02, Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms,
15 November 2013
This publication sets forth standard US military and associated terminology to encompass the joint activity of the Armed Forces of the United States. These military and associated terms, together with their definitions, constitute approved Department of Defense (DOD) terminology for general use by all DOD components.
JP 2-0, Joint Intelligence, 22 October 2013
This publication is the keystone document for joint intelligence. It provides fundamental principles and guidance for intelligence support to joint operations.
JP 4-0, Joint Logistics, 16 October 2013
This publication is the keystone document of the joint logistics series. It provides overarching joint doctrine on logistic support to joint operations. It provides commanders and staff guidance and considerations for planning, execution, and assessment of joint operations. It also discusses responsibilities, authorities, and control options available to a joint force commander and provides precepts to influence the commander’s decisionmaking process.
New DOCNET Course: Doctrine for the Armed Forces of the United States, October 2013
A new DOCNET course, drawn from JP 1, is now available. This course is designed to introduce military professionals to doctrine for unifed action by the Armed Forces of the United States.
New DOCNET Course: Stability Operations, October 2013
A new DOCNET course, drawn from JP 3-07, is now available. This course is designed to provide the military professional with knowldege of key doctrinal concepts related to Stability Operations.
JP 3-11, Operations in Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Environments, 04 October 2013
This publication provides doctrine for planning, conducting, and assessing military operations in chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear environments.
JP 3-17, Air Mobility Operations, 30 September 2013
This publication provides joint doctrine for planning, employing, and assessing air mobility operations across the range of military operations.