On ‘Building Better Generals’
On ‘Building Better Generals’ by Rich Ganske, The Bridge.
The Center for New American Security (CNAS) recently rolled out a provocative report titled,”Building Better Generals.” There are some valuable ideas to be considered here from LTG Barno, Dr. Bensahel, Ms. Sayler, and Ms. Kidder – especially on encouraging continued education for General and Flag Officers – and I recommend you take a look at it (see also, “’Building Better Generals’ Report Rollout Panel”)
However, the CNAS report really misses the true mark about what needs to be addressed in the military ranks: how to develop its future leaders. “Building Better Generals” spends the vast majority of its time focused upon what to do with the Generals and Flag Officers once they attain flag rank, which misses the real point of improving how the Generals and Flag Officers got there!…