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US Army IW Fusion Center Webcast: COIN Challenges in Pakistan

03.21.2013 at 06:19pm

US Army IW Fusion Center Webcast: COIN Challenges in Pakistan, Thursday 4 April. The US Army Irregular Warfare Fusion Center will host a public webcast with Mr. Haider Mullick, a Provost Fellow at Tuft's Fletcher School and Lecturer at the Naval Post Graduate School. Mr. Mullick will discuss major challenges and opportunities for counterinsurgency in nuclear-armed Pakistan and the implications in the wake of mushrooming violence and upcoming national elections there. See related article in the Washington Quarterly here:

This brief is this Thursday, 4 April 2013 at 1000 CDT (1100 EDT, 1500 ZULU).

Those interested in attending may view the meeting online at and participate via Defense Connect Online (DCO) as a guest. Remote attendees will be able to ask questions and view the slides through the software.

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