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Behavioural Conflict

11.04.2011 at 08:53pm

Behavioural Conflict: Why Understanding People and Their Motives Will Prove Decisive in Future Conflict by Andrew Mackay and Steve Tatham ; foreword by Stanley McChrystal.

Whilst geopolitics, economics, religion and ethnicity all play crucial roles in starting and sustaining conflict this book advances the idea that it will be people's behaviour, and the West's ability to understand, interpret and influence that behaviour which will become the defining characteristic of resolving future armed disputes. This seminal and very readable study draws directly on the authors operational experiences in Sierra Leone, Northern Ireland, Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq, Lebanon and Afghanistan.

Based upon a paper originally written in 2009 the book now includes a chapter by the former director of the behavioural studies programme at Oxford University's Psychology department, behavioural scientist Dr Lee Rowlands, and an introduction by the BBC Radio 4 'More or Less' presenter Tim Harford. The foreword is by former ISAF commander General (ret.) Stanley McChrystal.

Purchase an advance copy of the book at Book Express.

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