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AirSeaLand Battle: Access Assured, Area Un-Denied

10.29.2011 at 10:49am

AirSeaLand Battle: Access Assured, Area Un-Denied

by Move Forward

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The allure of war fought from afar with missiles and airpower, few casualties, low costs, short duration, and a “mission complete” stable aftermath is a quest unrealizable due to adapting adversaries. The search for that Holy Grail has projected imagined AirSea superpowers onto friends and foes alike, ignoring that targets use many means to avoid being targeted unless land power forces them into the open.

Today, instead of effects-based operations, the new Holy Grail is called AirSea Battle.  This concept emphasizes threats from Anti-Access/Area Denial (A2/AD) missile, air, and sea attacks. The past AirLand Battle misstep was in name only, indirectly disparaging the sea service. However, nobody suggested the Navy or Marines lacked a major role in deterring or battling the Soviet Union. Neither were Navy funds nor force structure imperiled given President Reagan’s attempt at a 600-ship Navy.

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Move Forward is a USMA graduate, retired reserve enlisted/officer, and defense contractor with no work-related interest in any of the Army or Marine systems CNAS and others have recommended for funding cuts.

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