5th Annual Latrun Conference Update
As posted previously, the Small Wars Foundation and Small Wars Journal are proud to sponsor the Institute for Land Warfare Studies’ Latrun V Conference, 6-8 September 2011, at the Israeli Armor Museum and Memorial in Latrun, Israel.
Past international speakers include General (British Army, ret) Rupert Smith (The Utility of Force), Joe Galloway [We Were Soldiers Once…and Young and soon-to-be recipient of the 2011 Doughboy Award], BG H.R. McMaster, LTG (USA, ret) Tom Metz, and many other notables. This year the slate is no less impressive and includes the following in addition to an equally impressive group of Israeli speakers:
– LTG Joseph Votel, commander of Joint Special Operations Command
– MG (USA, ret) Paul Eaton (former Commandant, U.S. Army Infantry School and commander of the initial Iraqi security forces training effort)
– BG Sean MacFarland (BCT commander in Anbar Province, Iraq during The Awakening)
– COL Keith Sledd, who will be discussing logistics support operations based on his combat experiences in Iraq
– BG JB Burton, commander of 2nd Brigade CombatTeam/1st Infantry Division in western Baghdad during the critical 2007 timeframe
– Raoul Bittel of the International Committee of the Red Cross who will be presenting on nongovernmental organization operations during irregular warfare contingencies
– The British Army’s Lt Col Lee Daley, who will be reviewing the impact of recent counterinsurgency operations on British logistics doctrine and operations
– LTG (USA, ret) Malcolm O’Neill, the just retired Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology)
– Ms. Heidi Shyu, Acting Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology)
For those interested in attending, please check out the conference information and registration website at the Institute of Land Warfare Studies, which includes the full agenda. Previous years’ proceedings are available for free download at ILWS Conference papers.