Criminal Insurgency in the Americas and Beyond
Criminal Insurgency in the Americas and Beyond by Colonel Bob Killebrew, NDU’s Prism. Here’s the abstract:
Transnational crime and criminal networks have grown to such proportions that they have become a global problem. Large-scale crime, terrorism, insurgency, and piracy are blending into transnational criminal networks, capable of holding ground and challenging the power of the state, and threatening the basic fabric of society. Overcoming transnational crime requires the United States to merge domestic and international strategies. Domestically, the U.S. must do more to enable local police to integrate their effort and to develop, analyze, and share intelligence on narco-gangs and the cartels. Other domestic requirements for a successful anticartel strategy include better treatment for drug users, immigration reform, rehabilitation, and an all-out effort to move gangs out of schools. Internationally, the U.S. must adopt a long-range foreign policy strategy to help struggling states to restore the rule of law and civic security. The U.S. should partner with states already engaged in the “cartel wars.” Colombia and Mexico may be the two Latin states with the best chance of becoming anchors of success in the Western Hemisphere.
Read the full article: Criminal Insurgency in the Americas and Beyond.