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U.S. Army COIN Center Webcast 22 April

04.18.2011 at 02:22pm

The U.S. Army COIN Center will be hosting Mr. Haider Mullick, a fellow at the U.S. Joint Special Operations University and the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding. He will present a webcast presentation entitled “Counterinsurgency Challenges in Pakistan and Effects on ISAF-Afghanistan.”

Mr. Mullick advises and consults with U.S. government organizations on security, diplomacy, governance and development issues in South Asia. From 2009-2010, he conducted research for General David H. Petraeuson Pakistan’s national security policy. Mullick is also the President and Chief Executive Officer of Red Teaming Associates. He is the author of Pakistan’s Security Paradox: Countering and Fomenting Insurgencies.

His brief will be 0900-1100 CDT (1000-1200 EDT, 1500 ZULU), Friday, 22 April 2011.

Those interested in attending may view the meeting online at and participate via Defense Connect Online (DCO) as a guest. Remote attendees will be able to ask questions and view the slides through the software.

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