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2nd Irregular Warfare Summit and a RFI

04.01.2011 at 05:56pm

The purpose of this post is two-fold, firstly an announcement of the 2nd Irregular Warfare Summit sponsored by The Institute for Defense and Government Advancement on 23-25 May 2011 at the Key Bridge Marriott, Arlington, Virginia. You can find the agenda and administrative information at the link.

Secondly, and more importantly (at least to me), is a request for information concerning my presentation at this summit. I’m scheduled to kick off the “Small Wars Focus Day” on 23 May. The title of my pitch is “The New Media and Information Technologies: Capturing Irregular Warfare Lessons Learned, Best Practices and Emerging Concepts”.

In my write up for IDGA I proposed a presentation that examines how the “new media”, to include online publications, blogs and social media, and information technologies have impacted traditional roles, methods, and hierarchies in regards to lessons learned, best practices (tactics, techniques and procedures) and emerging irregular warfare associated emerging concepts. The use of the new media and information technologies in regards to strategic communications will also be addressed.

My intent is to build off an earlier RFI, Thoughts on the “New Media” – compiled by Small Wars Journal, I presented our community of interest and practice in March of 2009 and am requesting your thoughts on this issue. For starters (but not limited to) I’d appreciate feedback that addresses:

– What new media and information technologies have done in regards to IW associated issues.

– How the new media and information technologies have impacted “business as usual” within the U.S. Government and in particular the Department of Defense.

– Perspectives on the good, the bad, and the ugly in regards to strategic communications.

– Understanding the “state of new media and information technologies” and its relationship with irregular warfare.

– What has worked, what hasn’t, and why — government/military and private sector.

– Food for thought on the way ahead, or maybe, the way backwards.

Please chime in below or e-mail me at ddilegge at I desire multiple perspectives on this subject and appreciate in advance your contribution!

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