A Framework for Army Adaptation
General Martin Dempsey, Commanding General of the U.S. Army’s Training and Doctrine Command, has been evolving a framework for Army Adaptation centered on an emerging conceptual foundation. A building block of this foundation that emerged from the Army Capstone Concept is the recently released Army Operating Concept which describes how future Army forces conduct operations as part of a joint force. Recently, General Dempsey conducted an interview to discuss some of the critical elements outlined in the Army Operating Concept and how our conceptual foundation provides a framework for institutional adaptation.
The discussion explores the Army’s role in executing both combined arms maneuver to gain and retain the initiative during a conflict and wide area security which allows the Army to consolidate and capitalize on those gains. Defining ourselves against these two broad responsibilities helps break the paradigm of preparing either for Major Combat Operations (MCO) or Counterinsurgency (COIN). General Dempsey outlines the cascading effect this conceptual shift will have across Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership, Personnel and Facilities (DOTMLPF).
In an effort to stimulate a dialogue about where our Army is headed while also educating the force on the emerging concepts that serve as a critical component of our conceptual foundation, we’re posting GEN Dempsey’s interview. GEN Dempsey believes this period of introspection about our profession is critically important and he welcomes your thoughts and ideas.
If we are to take the hard learned lessons of the past nine years and make our Army better and more capable, we must encourage an environment of transparency and insist on collaboration to allow us all to take ownership of this great Army. Therefore, we should always seek to discuss our profession openly and gain the perspectives of those inside AND outside our ranks. General Dempsey looks forward to a healthy dialogue on this critically important work that will guide our Army to confront the challenges of the 21st Century security environment. I invite you to view the video and provide your perspectives and insights. The videos are posted on YouTube (here and here) and embedded below.
Lieutenant Colonel Dave Horan
Chief, Commander’s Planning Group
U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC)
Part 1 of 2: Gen. Dempsey Discusses a Framework for Army Adaptation. After approving the release of the Army Operating Concept 2016 – 2028, Gen. Dempsey sat down to discuss some of the critical elements outlined in the Concept while also describing how this document will serve to inform and drive institutional adaptation for our Army.
Part 2 of 2: Gen. Dempsey Discusses a Framework for Army Adaptation.