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Friday Night Deep Thought: Courtesy of Kelly’s Heroes

06.19.2010 at 12:23am

Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?


Crazy! I mean like so many positive waves maybe we can’t lose!


There’s no booze, there’s no broads, there’s no action!

That’s another thing – don’t fool around with the women. Their husbands carry guns. And don’t forget, the penalty for looting is death.

Loot what? There’s nothing here to loot!


God almighty, you guys smell like you fell into a dung heap!

Kinda makes ya homesick, don’t it?


These engines are the fastest in any tanks in the European Theater of Operations, forwards or backwards. You see, man, we like to feel we can get out of trouble, quicker than we got into it.


Coulda been in the States playing ping-pong; volleyball… Plenty of broads… Who the hell needs all this? Gonna get my knife & get the hell outta here. Eaaa, lousy equipment! Now I gotta lift up this CANNON; carry it all the way to the front line someplace. Damned thing is heavier that Kelsey’s burgers!


Sit down on this bench. I want you to have a drink.

Under the Geneva Convention…

This isn’t Geneva…


I’m going to Battalion to see if I can get some dirty movies…

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