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CCO – Slugging it Out Just Like SWJ…

07.10.2009 at 01:17am

I’ll keep it short and simple – like us (SWJ) – the Center for Complex Operations (CCO) offers up a venue for substantive interaction amongst the diverse players critical to success in the interesting times we live and operate in.

Also like us — and more on this later concerning SWJ — CCO operates on a shoe-string budget — but is kept alive by and large through the foresight and passion of its small cadre of dedicated personnel. Seems to be the norm right now — those who offer up more on our most important issues — operate on less resources and support — or in some cases — next to nothing.

With that I’ll temporarily get off my soapbox as to draw your attention to a short but important CCO event:

Center for Complex Operations: 2nd Annual Conference

July 28, 2009

National Defense University

Washington, D.C.

The Center for Complex Operations Second Annual Conference will introduce the CCO’s latest initiatives, including lessons learned collection efforts, a complex operations journal, and fourteen new case studies written for teaching and training.

Date and Time: July 28, 2009 at 2:00PM. The conference will be followed by a cocktail reception.


1:30 PM Registration

2:00 PM Opening Remarks

Dr. Hans Binnendijk

Director, Center for Technology and National Security Policy

Ambassador John E. Herbst

Coordinator for Reconstruction and Stabilization, Department of State

Dr. James Schear

Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Department of Defense

2:45 Keynote Address

Lieutenant General David W. Barno, U.S. Army (Retired)

Director, Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies

3:15 Break

3:30 Lessons Learned from the Three Ds

Moderator: Michael Miklaucic, CCO (USAID)

Panelist 1: Ambassador James Dobbins, RAND

Panelist 2: Colonel (P) H.R. McMaster, TRADOC, Army Capabilities Integration Center

Panelist 3: Dr. David Kilcullen, Crumpton Group

4:45 CCO Research Initiatives: Complex Operations Case Studies Series

Moderator: Bernard Carreau, CCO

Panelist 1: Colonel Peter Curry, Marine Corps War College (Invited)

Panelist 2: Dr. Volker Franke, McDaniel College (Invited)

5:30 Closing Session

Ambassador Robin Raphel, Senior Vice President, Cassidy and Associates (Invited)

6:00 Reception


Please RSVP to Jacqueline Carpenter at [email protected] or (202) 685-6348.


Lincoln Hall Auditorium, National Defense University, Fort Lesley J. McNair, Washington, D.C.

For additional Information: Check the CCO Portal for event updates:

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