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Frakin’ Cool and Winning Wars (Book Review)

03.28.2009 at 05:40am

Frakin’ Cool and Winning Wars (SWJ Book Review)

by Robert L. Goldich

Frakin’ Cool and Winning Wars (Full PDF Article)

After Operation Desert Storm in 1991, there was a fusillade of remarks about how American technological superiority was the decisive factor in how we won the war. General H. Norman Schwarzkopf would have none of this. He stated that although our weapons and equipment were indeed technologically superior to those of the Iraqis, we would have won the war if we had had their equipment, and they had had ours. P.W. Singer would have done well to ponder this remark at some point in the researching and writing of Wired for War.

Frakin’ Cool and Winning Wars (Full PDF Article)

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