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We are now Tweeting.

03.18.2009 at 04:13am

Yes, we are up on Twitter under the userid smallwars.

We’ll auto-tweet the title and a link of all new entries on the SWJ Blog and most new threads in the Small Wars Council. At the moment, the following things do NOT feed: blog comments, discussion board posts on old threads, and new discussion board threads within the members-only area.

Thanks to many folks who encouraged and/or nudged us to get aboard. The list includes Jules Crittenden, Matt Armstrong, Julian Tolbert, and, indirectly, Ellyn Angelloti.

For those of you who prefer your RSS straight up, feeds are available for the SWJ Blog and the Small Wars Council.

We have also established a Facebook page, but aren’t driving content feeds there yet. If you join us on Facebook, you still might be able to say you were there before it was cool. However, we already have 127 members in the group there, and some of them are raising the cool bar for us.

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