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Training for Full Spectrum Operations

12.16.2008 at 01:22pm

The Army has released FM 7-0: Training for Full Spectrum Operations:

The operational concept requires the Army to be ready to conduct simultaneous offense, defense, and stability or civil support operations anywhere along the spectrum of conflict, from General War to Stable Peace.

FM 7-0 is designed to help develop an expeditionary Army, comprised of Soldiers and Civilians experienced and knowledgeable enough to be comfortable with operating anywhere along the spectrum of conflict in any type of operation, under any conditions.

Its principles and concepts are intended to produce agile leaders, who can rapidly and easily adapt to changing, ambiguous situations.

The manual’s four chapters address the breadth and depth of Army training concepts — “the what” of Army training. The web-based Army Training Network will address — “the how” of Army training. It will provide examples of concepts in FM 7-0; training lessons, examples, and best practices for implementing the 7-0 concepts; and solutions to training challenges. The 2008 version of Field Manual 7-0 is the 3rd edition of the Army’s training management doctrine. Previous editions were published in 1988 as FM 25-100, Training the Force, and in 2002 as FM 7-0, Training the Force. However, this is the first version to be completely synchronized with our capstone operations manual.

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