‘The War Within’
‘The War Within’ – Chapter One – Bob Woodward, New York Times
One weekday afternoon in May 2004, General George Casey bounded up the stairs to the third floor of his government-furnished quarters, a beautiful old brick mansion on the Potomac River at Fort McNair in Washington, D.C. His wife, Sheila, was packing for a move across the river to Fort Myer, in Virginia, the designated quarters of the Army’s vice chief of staff.
“Please, sit down,” Casey said.
In 34 years of marriage, he had never made such a request.
President Bush, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and the Army chief of staff had asked him to become the top U.S. commander in Iraq, he said.
Sheila Casey burst into tears. Like any military spouse, she dreaded the long absences and endless anxieties of separation, the strains of a marriage carried out half a world apart. But she also recognized it was an incredible opportunity for her husband. Casey saw the Iraq War as a pivot point, one of history’s hinges, a conflict that would likely define America’s future standing in the world, Bush’s legacy and his own reputation as a general.
“This is going to be hard,” Casey said, but he felt as qualified as anyone else.
Casey’s climb to four-star status had been unusual. Instead of graduating from West Point, he had studied international relations at Georgetown University. He’d been there during the Vietnam War and was a member of ROTC, the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps. He remembered how some students had spit on him and hurled things when he crossed campus in uniform. In 1970, after his graduation and commissioning as an Army second lieutenant, his father and namesake, a two-star Army general commanding the celebrated 1st Cavalry Division, was killed in Vietnam when his helicopter crashed en route to visit wounded soldiers.
Casey had never intended to make the Army his career. And yet he fell in love with the sense of total responsibility that even a young second lieutenant was given for the well-being of his men. Now, after 34 years in the Army, he was going to be the commander on the ground, as General William Westmoreland had been in Vietnam from 1965 to 1968. Casey had no intention of ending up like Westmoreland, whom history had judged as that era’s poster boy for quagmire and failure.
Casey had never been in combat. His most relevant experience was in the Balkans – Bosnia and Kosovo – where irregular warfare had been the order of the day. He had held some of the most visible “thinker” positions in the Pentagon – head of the Joint Staff strategic plans and policy directorate, J-5, and then the prestigious directorship of the Joint Staff, which served the chiefs. But aside from a 1981 stint in Cairo as a United Nations military observer, he had spent little time in the Middle East.
Much more at The New York Times.