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From the Jaws of Victory

02.07.2008 at 12:38pm

From the Jaws of Victory by Nadia Schadlow, Wall Street Journal.

Nadia Schadlow discusses the good news that General David Petraeus, Commanding General of Multi-National Force – Iraq, has decided to remain at his post through the fall.

What’s depressing is that top political and military leaders in Washington asked him to consider the move in the first place. The proposal to shift Gen. Petraeus out of Iraq reflects the unwillingness of the military as a whole to make the larger cultural changes required to succeed in tough counterinsurgency missions.

If history teaches us anything it is that removing a successful leader from a mission in progress is senseless. Moreover, consistent effort over time is particularly important in counterinsurgency situations in which the political dimension of war is paramount.

The military acknowledges the need for dedicated headquarters and support structures to conduct long-duration missions. Forces must have staying power, and be able to identify and retain lessons learned as well as to sustain personal relationships.

Indeed, the military’s own counterinsurgency (COIN) manual emphasizes the need to cultivate effective leaders in the host country. Younger officers deploying to and from Iraq have reinforced these themes, writing consistently about the importance of maintaining a stable presence and getting to know the political, social and cultural terrain.

Much more here.

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