Small Wars Journal

Beyond the Battlefield

Mon, 10/24/2011 - 6:20pm

"Beyond the Battlefield" by David Wood of Huffington Post is a 10-part series exploring the challenges that severely wounded veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan face after they return home, as well as what those struggles mean for those close to them.



Move Forward

Mon, 10/24/2011 - 8:52pm

An extraordinary series. Thank you David Woods. It kind of counters the Michael Yon piece that also was good but seems to place excessive blame on those trying to do the right thing...and succeeding most of the time.

Geez, they solved the mounted problem with MRAP/M-ATV/W-Hull Stryker. You would think they could find a way to reduce the dismounted deaths and amputations.

They have spent a lot on JIEDDO and some of the small line charges and flailing chain machines seem pretty great. You would think you could do more of that mounted on an unmanned ground vehicle leading the dismounts.

Forget the exoskeleton that would not be much help. Could an armored cross-country segway with the strapped in Soldier/Marine surrounded by armor up to his shoulders preclude the leg and arm amputations? Heck the thing could even deploy air bags when blown into the air to soften the landing.

Sorry, no intention to distract from the great piece. It just seems horrible to send troops into known "minefields" on foot unprotected.