Small Wars Journal


North Korea: Coronavirus, Missiles and Diplomacy

Sun, 04/12/2020 - 6:02pm
North Korea’s poor health infrastructure and proximity to coronavirus hotspots make it especially vulnerable to the deadly pandemic. Increasing the risks, humanitarian workers and medical supplies in the North Korea are limited by travel restrictions and sanctions even as the U.N. sanctions committee provided some exemptions to help deal with the virus. An outbreak of the disease in North Korea could have crippling political and socioeconomic consequences, even threatening its internal stability.

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Sound the Clarion! Hybrid Warfare Has Arrived in the Asia-Pacific

Tue, 01/14/2020 - 1:04am
Ever since Russia’s rapid annexation of Crimea in 2014 during the height of the Ukraine Crisis thrust the term “hybrid warfare” into mainstream consciousness, predictions of its imminent spread westward have been fervently propagated. The perceived threat of hybrid warfare has however since evolved into something more universal and far-reaching, and in recent years it would seem as if the tendrils of this virulent threat have finally traversed the vast expanse of the globe to arrive in the Asia-Pacific.

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China’s All-Effects All-Domain Strategy in an All-Encompassing Information Environment

Mon, 10/14/2019 - 7:28pm
China is wielding strategies that envelop opponents with an all-effects all-domain approach to national power. These effects are neither precise nor pre-ordained because they occur in an uncertain information environment that encompasses behavior by all sensors – living, or artificial. Drawing from a rich tradition of hybrid stratagems and holistic information, China’s leaders use a variety of asymmetric approaches that exploit weaknesses in opponents’ strategies.

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Indo-Pacific Terrorism: What to Expect for the Foreseeable Future SWJED Thu, 04/18/2019 - 6:25am
The past two decades in the Indo-Pacific region have resulted in remarkable change across the terrorist landscape. Attacks and deaths are down, but jihadist ideology and threats persist. The Indo-Pacific states of India, Pakistan, and the Philippines consistently remain among the “Top 10” countries affected by terrorism according to the Global Terrorism Index report. If there was any doubt whether or not 2019 would see a continuation of the deadly trend, this year’s bombing just days before the Bangsamoro Organic Law plebiscite, the Pulwama terrorist attack in India, the breakup of an international terrorist cell in Malaysia, and the New Zealand mosque shootings all serve to remind us that extremism remains at our front door.
Why Trump Pushed Arms Sales in Asia SWJED Sat, 11/11/2017 - 2:53pm

President Trump has signaled his intention to further fuel the escalating arms race in Asia and profit from it.

Rebalancing the US Military for 21st Century Threats Peter J. Munson Mon, 10/29/2012 - 5:30am

An interview with Janine Davidson.