Small Wars Journal


Nigeria Should Build Peace Like it Fights Coronavirus

Mon, 04/13/2020 - 12:12am
Nigerian leaders struggling to reduce violence in the country’s myriad conflicts should take some lessons—from their own response to the coronavirus. While Nigeria’s COVID-19 ordeal is still unfolding, its eventual casualties unknown, the Nigeria Center for Disease Control and several governors have modeled the ways to reduce catastrophic outbreaks.

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SWJ Memo: Diaspora Vulnerability in Italy and Nigerian Organized Crime

Sat, 09/28/2019 - 8:22am
This memo describes how Nigerian Organized Crime affects both host nations and Nigerian diaspora communities as it specifically relates to Italy. Further, this memo argues that Nigerian organized crime has entrenched itself in Italy and persists as a significant threat to Nigerian diaspora communities in Italy.

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The Chibok Kidnappings in North-East Nigeria: A Military Analysis of Before and After SWJED Tue, 04/11/2017 - 11:53am

Why the Chibok Kidnappings occurred, and what, if anything, the Nigerian Army has done in its aftermath to prevent the repeat of a kidnapping on that scale by Boko Haram.