Small Wars Journal

Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia

Endless Intervention: The Great Danger of Convergence SWJED Mon, 08/27/2018 - 12:38am
In this essay I will argue that the threat of convergence to the Westphalian System has been exaggerated. Then, using the FARC and Colombia as a case study, I will argue that convergence is already being used to justify morally questionable interventions.
Narco-Drones: A New Way to Transport Drugs SWJED Wed, 07/05/2017 - 1:34am

A narcotrafficking technique first used in Mexico now expands to other countries in Central and South America.

Mapping the Pursuit of a ‘Combination of All Forms of Struggle’: How Colombia’s Peace Agreement Complements the FARC’s Political Strategy SWJED Sun, 02/19/2017 - 6:36pm

By mapping the historical development of FARC’s political agenda, this paper addresses how the 2016 Peace Agreement supports facets of the FARC’s political strategy.