Small Wars Journal


Government and Academic Vulnerability to Jihad of the Pen and Tongue

Fri, 03/22/2019 - 5:26am
Islam is a civilization, ideology, culture, body of law, as well as a religion. An argument can be made that no other civilization is as tightly interconnected among its five domains as is Islam. Research into one domain initiates a response from the other four domains. In many cases, critical analysis into sensitive civilizational, ideological, cultural, or legal issues results in the outcries from the religious domain sending researchers and their supervisors into retreat.

About the Author(s)

Who’s on First? Or Why Fences Matter More Than Al-Qaeda in Mali Peter J. Munson Wed, 03/13/2013 - 4:30am

The provision of both financial and development programs in the northern territories of Mali is an effective way to deter vulnerable groups from adhering to AQ ideology.