Small Wars Journal

special operations forces

SOF News: Special Operations News Update – Monday, March 1, 2021


Topics Include:

-Potential downgrade for ASD SOLIC

-Extremism in SOF

-Armed Overwatch

-SOF Ethics Field Guide

-Royal Marines

-The House Subcommittee on Intelligence and Special Operations

-Paramilitary Operations

Riley.C.Murray Tue, 03/02/2021 - 8:12pm

10th Special Forces Group: Polar SOF Essay Contest

Wed, 02/17/2021 - 7:04pm

Prompt: How can American special operations forces compete with near-peer adversaries in the polar regions?


A 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne), in cooperation with the Modern War Institute and Project 6633, essay contest. 


Full Details Available at this link: 



  • Essays will be accepted from any person from any field, and submissions from non-US participants are welcomed.
  • Up to two people may co-author an essay entry.
  • Participants may submit only one entry to the competition.
  • Essays must be original, unpublished, and not subject to publication elsewhere.

Submission Guidelines

  • Essays will not exceed 1,000 words.
  • Use the standard submission guidelines for the Modern War Institute.
  • Email your entry to with “Polar SOF Contest” in the subject line. Once submitted, no edits, corrections, or changes are allowed.
  • Submission deadline: essays will be accepted until 11:59 PM EDT on May 2, 2021.



Fixing the Problem: Integrating Virtue Ethics into U.S. Special Operations Forces Selection, Education, and Training

Fri, 02/07/2020 - 10:05am
The findings of the recent ethics and culture review maintain a drumbeat that there is not a systemic ethics problem. As the report would have it, Congress and the public are encouraged to believe that the headlines are owed to the actions of a few bad apples. Should we expect and accept these spoiled fruits as an inevitable consequence of a strained force facing deployment after deployment?

About the Author(s)

USAJFKSWCS Needs New Nerds: Dungeons and Dragons, SCI-FI/Fantasy Writers, and an Unconventional Way to Consider Irregular Warfare Training

Sat, 02/01/2020 - 6:43am
For Pineland to come alive and deliver the dynamism students should receive requires creativity beyond the Pentagon and the Ivy Leagues. This submission is not intended to be the final word on this. This is a question, or a series of questions to be considered. I look forward to a robust, conversation with others to transform the way we train influence, and transform ARSOF more broadly.

About the Author(s)

Unconventional Warfare: Think Outside the G-Base

Sat, 06/08/2019 - 11:36am
The Green Berets are in danger of self-inflicted irrelevancy because of shortcomings in their training. Most current Unconventional Warfare (UW) training events take the Unconventional Warfare template from Robin Sage and simply impose it on other environments and threat situations. This trend has persisted despite the lack of modern UW examples that resemble Robin Sage. Green Berets should be considering other models of UW that may be more relevant today.

About the Author(s)

The Hyper-Enabled Operator

Thu, 06/06/2019 - 9:56am
Recent technological, socio-economic, and geopolitical trends, coupled with the reemergence of great power competition, complicate the future environment in which U.S. Special Operations Forces (SOF) must operate. SOF professionals will need to operate not only across traditional physical domains such as land, air, and sea but also in the virtual and cognitive domains. In particular, achieving cognitive dominance over adversaries will be essential to the success of future SOF missions.

About the Author(s)

Operationalizing the Science of the Human Domain in Great Power Competition for Special Operations Forces

Sun, 04/14/2019 - 7:31am
Special Operations Forces (SOF) must continue to build capability and capacity to scientifically understand, accurately interpret and effectively influence human behavior. It is the SOF operator who will be on the ground early, working with an indigenous populace, learning to understand a given situation in order to provide critical context to both civilian and military leadership. SOF must be able to navigate complex social systems and operate at a speed that creates critical decision space while ensuring their actions don’t make matters worse.

About the Author(s)

Is the OSS Contribution to Special Forces a Result of Disinformation?

Mon, 12/03/2018 - 9:53am
It pained me to read the latest issue of the USASOC Historian Office's publication Veritas and it pains me even more to have to write these words. You might not be familiar with Veritas because it is not published on line, only in an expensive high gloss print publication. The specific article in the recent edition is “The OSS Influence on Special Forces.”

About the Author(s)