Small Wars Journal

cyber operations

JSOU Quick Look: Cyber Fundamentals for SOF

Sat, 03/20/2021 - 1:21pm



"Cyberspace operations extend the reach, agility, pace and effectiveness of SOF when fully integrated into doc-trine, training, planning and execution. For example, foreign internal defense requires cyber-enabled opera-tion off the grid and detection of adversary activity to enable partner response. In contrast, unconventional warfare needs ways for resistance movements to make its own equipment and that can happen with cyber-en-abled 3-D printing.All SOF core activities can be cyber enabled. However, for each core activity SOF needs different cyber-enabled capabilities to secure these benefits."

The Indigenous Appraoch Podcast: Cyber Strategy and Tactical Cyber Integration

Sat, 03/06/2021 - 4:36pm



(Also available on most other podcast services) 

Col. Eric Kreitz, 1st Special Forces Command (Airborne)'s Director of Information Warfare sits down with Dr. Richard Harknett, one of the world's leading cybersecurity experts, and Maj.Jay Kosturko, an Electronic Warfare Officer assigned to 1st SFC(A) to help frame how we should think about the cyber domain.

Bio's: Col. Eric Kreitz is the Director of Information Warfare at 1st Special Forces Command (Airborne). He has more than 14 years in the PSYOP Regiment and has commanded at the Detachment and Battalion levels. Maj. Jay Kosturko is leading the effort for tactical cyber integration at 1st Special Forces Command (Airborne). Dr. Richard Harknett is a Professor and the Department Head of the Political Science Department at the University of Cincinnati, where he's also the Co-Director of the Ohio Cyber Range Institute and Chair of the University’s Center for Cyber Strategy and Policy. Previously, he served as a Fulbright Scholar in Cyber Studies at Oxford University and as the inaugural Scholar-in-Residence at US Cyber Command and the National Security

Cyber-States and US National Security: Learning from Covid-19

Fri, 03/20/2020 - 11:42am
What are the current implications for US national security? The first implication is our open market view of cyberspace and the sale of data by private social network companies like Facebook. Our national security is encumbered when private companies can use the data of citizens to sell to any entity who can pay, like the Cambridge Analytica case.

About the Author(s)

Cyberwar to Kinetic War: 2020 Election and the Possibility of Cyber-Attack on Critical Infrastructure on the United States

Wed, 01/29/2020 - 12:26am
The current possibility of the United States walking into a trap of a kinetic war is exceptionally likely, given the conditions that will be enumerated here, and the historical pattern of the US reacting to surprise attacks with the force of a giant rudely awakened from a deep slumber is not ahistorical. The Election of 2016 was a sure indicator of one phase of election manipulation.

About the Author(s)

Challenging Snowden: Spycraft, Ethics, and Amendments

Thu, 01/23/2020 - 12:32am
Is it ethical for the country’s intelligence agencies to exploit nearly every known wireless communication modality in favor of U.S. policies and interests even though it could potentially involve spying on countless American citizens in violation of the Fourth Amendment? Edward Snowden utilized principles of ethical decision making, but faulty logic resulted in a treasonous act with longstanding damage to U.S. intelligence operations and foreign diplomacy.

About the Author(s)

Uniting the Cyber Domain Stakeholders

Tue, 01/21/2020 - 12:11am
The United States faces an organizational dilemma when it comes to the cyber domain, as the Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, Intelligence Community, and the private sector all are stakeholders in the domain and the security. Uniting the stakeholders under one security domain, specifically quantum encryption, would strengthen the United States cyber defense against their adversaries.

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Russia in Ukraine 2013-2016: The Application of New Type Warfare Maximizing the Exploitation of Cyber, IO, and Media SWJED Tue, 09/11/2018 - 12:09am
This case study for analysis focuses on Russian operations in Ukraine from 2013-2016. Russian decision-making in Ukraine has demonstrated the ability to use cyber and information warfare to influence operations to support military and political objectives, and continued preparation of the cyber environment to create a range of options for future action.

OODA Loops in Cyberspace: How Cyber Awareness Training Helps Threat Actors

Wed, 09/05/2018 - 6:45am
Cybersecurity’s human adversarial engagement is often lost in discussions of cybersecurity. We discuss how defenders’ focus on technology unintentionally creates vulnerabilities which can be exploited by threat actors. In particular, we discuss how the convergence of cyber awareness training and defensive technologies is exploited by threat actors with devastating consequences.

About the Author(s)

Training Cyberspace Maneuver

Fri, 06/15/2018 - 6:59am
Maneuver theory has now evolved to consider the first man-and-machine-made domain, in which cyberspace, as an artificial information domain, overlaps, intersects, and engages with the four other warfighting domains. The unique nature of the cyberspace warfighting domain presents a host of distinct challenges and considerations to maneuver thinking, requiring a change to the approach of training maneuver warfare principles for military cyberspace leaders.

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