Small Wars Journal

Ukraine / Russia

General Valery Gerasimov’s Great Ukrainian Disaster ZFTWARNING Tue, 03/15/2022 - 4:37pm
International Law Goes to War in Ukraine ZFTWARNING Tue, 03/15/2022 - 4:32pm
Model Indictment for Crime of Aggression Against Ukraine: Prosecutor v. President Vladimir Putin ZFTWARNING Mon, 03/14/2022 - 4:45pm
Supplying Arms to Ukraine is Not an Act of War ZFTWARNING Sun, 03/13/2022 - 4:44pm
What to know about the role Javelin antitank missiles could play in Ukraine’s fight against Russia ZFTWARNING Sun, 03/13/2022 - 4:43pm
The Int’l Criminal Court’s Ukraine Investigation: A Test Case for User-Generated Evidence ZFTWARNING Wed, 03/02/2022 - 3:16pm
Foreign Fighters in Ukraine? Evaluating the Benefits and Risks ZFTWARNING Wed, 03/02/2022 - 3:15pm