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Neither Ironman nor the Hulk: Human Enhancements for Military Purposes Image

Neither Ironman nor the Hulk: Human Enhancements for Military Purposes

01.24.2025 at 06:00am

Russia’s Shrinking and Deteriorating Arsenal Meets Ukraine’s Growing and Improving Air Defenses

01.10.2023 at 11:43am

To Achieve Deterrence on the Northeastern Flank – We Need to Use Counterterrorism Tools

01.09.2023 at 12:49am

The Oblique Approach to Irregular Warfare: Civil Affairs as the main effort in Strategic Competition

01.04.2023 at 12:41am

What I Learned From the Ukrainian People

01.02.2023 at 04:47am

Uneven Snows: Why Winter Will Hurt Russia’s Military Far More Than Ukraine’s

01.02.2023 at 04:08am

Why Ukraine Won’t Quit

11.27.2022 at 01:18am

An International Post-War Security Force is Needed in Ukraine

11.04.2022 at 12:17am

Ukraine is the Modern-Day Sparta 

10.29.2022 at 12:56am

Putin, Ukraine, and NATO

10.15.2022 at 06:16pm

Russian Attacks on Ukrainian Utility Infrastructure: Water and Power

10.15.2022 at 06:02pm

Impotent Missile Strikes Can’t Reverse Russia’s Losing as Beginning of the End of the War Unfolds

10.12.2022 at 11:24pm