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Corruption as an Enabler in the Hybrid Influence Toolbox Image

Corruption as an Enabler in the Hybrid Influence Toolbox

12.10.2024 at 06:00am
Fiscalia Ojeda

Third Generation Gangs Strategic Note No. 56: The Tren de Aragua in Chile: The Ronald Ojeda Kidnapping and Murder Case

03.30.2024 at 02:55am
Carabineros and Navy

Third Generation Gangs Strategic Note No. 55: Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC) Expanding its Reach to Chile

03.26.2024 at 01:37am
Barrio 18

Third Generation Gangs Strategic Note No. 53: Barrio 18 and MS-13 Prison Riot and Massacre in Támara Women’s Prison, Honduras

07.01.2023 at 12:52am

Organized Crime in Chile: The Challenge Ahead

05.05.2023 at 12:43am
Carabineros de Chile

El Crimen Organizado en Chile: El desafío que se avecina

04.20.2023 at 08:23pm
Op Plata

Third Generation Gangs Strategic Note No. 52: Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC) Cell Suspected of Using Evangelical Churches as Fronts for Money Laundering

02.21.2023 at 09:36pm

Security at the Expense of Constitutional Guarantees: The Case of Honduras

02.07.2023 at 02:49am
Gangs Militias RJ

Third Generation Gangs Strategic Note No. 51: Milícias (Militias) Continue to Surpass Gangues (Gangs) in Dominating Criminal Territory in Rio de Janeiro

09.28.2022 at 01:03am

Commentary: ADPF 635. The interweaving of the International Human Rights Law and the International Humanitarian Law in the repression of the territorially dominant Third Generation Gangs in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

07.18.2022 at 05:51pm
.50 Cal

Third Generation Gangs Strategic Note No. 47: Woman with a Baby Arrested at Novo Rio Bus Station for Transporting a .50 Caliber Anti-Materiel Rifle in Her Luggage to Comando Vermelho Norte

04.08.2022 at 04:11am
Barrio 18

From 18th Street to Barrio 18: The Morphing of a Barrio

12.08.2021 at 10:57pm