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Assad’s Fall and the Qatari Gas Pipeline: A Risky Bet or Potential Source of Relief? Image

Assad’s Fall and the Qatari Gas Pipeline: A Risky Bet or Potential Source of Relief?

02.05.2025 at 06:00am
Battle of Culiacán

Mexican Cartel Strategic Note No. 35: Mexican Security Forces Arrest Ovidio Guzmán

01.18.2023 at 02:08am
Journalists Violence

Why is Mexico so Dangerous for Journalists?

08.17.2022 at 05:28am

SWJ El Centro Review Essay – La guerra improvisada: Los años de Calderón y sus consecuencias (The Improvised War: The Calderón Years and their Consequences)

05.20.2021 at 04:16am

La Guerra de Propaganda del CJNG y AMLO

04.24.2021 at 09:01pm

The Propaganda War of the CJNG and AMLO

04.23.2021 at 03:34am

Mexican Cartel Tactical Note #48: Video of CJNG Engagement of Autodefensa Mounted Infantry in IAFV in La Bocanda, Michoacán

12.30.2020 at 11:15pm

Mexican Cartel Strategic Note No. 32: Former Governor Assassinated in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco

12.24.2020 at 04:49am
Trench Michoacán

Mexican Cartel Tactical Note #47: Anti-CJNG IAFV Trenches Dug in Michoacán

12.11.2020 at 08:00pm

Mexican Cartel Strategic Note No. 31: Escalating Violence in the Greater Tijuana Plaza

12.05.2020 at 12:10am
Image 1

Mexican Cartel Tactical Note #46: Weaponized Drones (Aerial Improvised Explosive Devices) Deployed by CJNG in Tepalcatepec, Michoacán

10.06.2020 at 12:41am
El Marro AIC

Mexican Cartel Strategic Note No. 30: “El Marro” – José Antonio Yépez Ortiz Leader of the Cártel Santa Rosa de Lima (CSRL) Arrested in Guanajuato

08.18.2020 at 02:30am