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Neither Ironman nor the Hulk: Human Enhancements for Military Purposes Image

Neither Ironman nor the Hulk: Human Enhancements for Military Purposes

01.24.2025 at 06:00am

Modern Russian Statecraft: Neither New nor Hybrid, Part One

12.12.2021 at 02:45pm

Hybrid Warfare and Active Measures

10.10.2021 at 07:50am

Hybrid Wars: Technological Advancements and the Generational Evolution of Warfare

09.09.2021 at 12:34am

‘Liminal or hybrid warfare is not going to result in great tank battles in the Fulda or Suwalki Gaps’

06.03.2021 at 11:27am

Rethinking Army Special Operation Forces-Department of State Partnership in Europe

04.19.2021 at 01:22am

Hybrid: An Adjective Describing the Current War

03.25.2021 at 04:44pm

The Narco Hybrid-Threat

03.18.2021 at 04:06am

Using Hybrid War Theory to Shape Future U. S. Generational Doctrine

02.04.2021 at 02:45am

Developing an Experimental Joint Airborne Division for Hybrid Warfare and Great Power Competition

12.10.2020 at 02:16am