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Neither Ironman nor the Hulk: Human Enhancements for Military Purposes Image

Neither Ironman nor the Hulk: Human Enhancements for Military Purposes

01.24.2025 at 06:00am

Building Militaries in Fragile States: Challenges for the United States (Book review)

04.28.2024 at 01:19pm

Legio Patria Nostra: A Blueprint For An American Foreign Legion

09.03.2023 at 09:05pm

An Unconventional Warfare Mindset: The Philosophy of Special Forces Must be Sustained

05.29.2023 at 10:10pm

Ready, FIRE, Aim: Great Power Competition without Combat Aviation Advisors

03.01.2023 at 11:11pm

The Russian Dilemma Isn’t So Unfamiliar

05.04.2022 at 12:58am

Book Review: Irregular Soldiers and Rebellious States: Small Scale U.S. Interventions Abroad

04.22.2021 at 08:11pm

Rethinking Army Special Operation Forces-Department of State Partnership in Europe

04.19.2021 at 01:22am

The Effects of the U.S. Army’s Special Forces in Bolivia during Che’s Foco

11.11.2020 at 04:54pm