Small Wars Journal

Poland-US Crisis Planning Seminar and Strategic Choices Exercise

Thu, 07/28/2016 - 11:46am

Poland-US Crisis Planning Seminar and Strategic Choices Exercise by Mark Gunzinger and Jacob Cohn, Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments

During the recent NATO Summit in Warsaw, NATO announced its decision to station four multinational battalions on its eastern flank, one in each of the Baltic states and Poland. Will this initiative help create a credible deterrent posture in Europe in light of a revisionist Russia? Or, are initiatives such as increasing NATO’s air and missile defense capacity and creating a complex of long-range, ground-based precision fires also needed to counter emerging anti-access/area-denial threats to the region?

In May 2016, CSBA, teamed with Poland’s National Centre for Strategic Studies, led a tabletop exercise to explore these and other issues. During the exercise, three joint Poland-U.S. teams used CSBA’s Strategic Choices Tool to create a military force that, by 2026, could strengthen NATO’s force posture in the Baltic region. Each team assessed their upgraded forces in a table-top exercise against a conflict scenario set in 2027 that challenged the security of Poland and the Baltic states. The May 2016 exercise built on the results of a similar October 2015 crisis response seminar, which explored new operational concepts and capability priorities to defend Eastern European “frontline” states.

Continue on for the CSBA briefing slides.

Turkey Looks to Rebuild Military After Purging Half Its Generals

Thu, 07/28/2016 - 11:33am

Turkey Looks to Rebuild Military After Purging Half Its Generals

Voice of America

A day after Turkey dismissed more than 2,400 military personnel, its Supreme Military Council gathered in a hastily planned meeting to try to put the pieces back together.

Turkey’s military leaders are now tasked with replacing the 149 generals and admirals, nearly half of its 358-member contingent, who are suspected of being involved in the July 15 failed coup attempt.

The early Thursday meeting brought together Prime Minister Binali Yildirim and commanders of Turkey’s army, navy and air force.

The Turkish government also moved to shut down 131 television channels, newspapers and other media outlets.

The Military Council will likely move lower-ranking officers up the ladder quickly to fill the gaps at the top.

Just before the meeting, two of Turkey’s top-ranking generals resigned.  Land Forces Chief of Staff General Ihsan Uyar and Training and Doctrine Command head General Kamil Basoglu both stepped down.

In addition to the military purge and media shutdowns, at least one journalist was taken into custody and arrest warrants were issued for nearly 50 former members of the editorial staff of the country's largest daily, Zaman.  The U.S. State Department said such moves against news media represent a "troubling trend."

Arrest warrants were issued earlier for 42 individual journalists, 16 of whom are in custody.

Concerns About ‘Long-Term Adverse Impact’

Most of the newly issued arrest warrants were targeted at journalists allegedly affiliated with U.S.-based Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen, whom the Erdogan government sees as the mastermind behind the coup attempt.

​​Zaman, which was placed under state control four months ago, had been closely connected with the Gulen movement.  Since March the newspaper has taken a strongly pro-government stance in its reporting.

The crackdown on journalists comes as part of a wider purge of government officials and academic leaders following the coup, which left nearly 300 people dead.

A Turkish-American association has expressed deep concerns about events in Turkey’s universities and mass suspension of faculty deans, and has urged government leaders to elevate democracy and academic freedom in the country.

In a statement posted Wednesday on its website, the Turkish-American Scientists and Scholars Association (TASSA) said it is very worried about “the long-term adverse impact that recent events might have on higher education, academic freedom, and scientific advancement in Turkey.” The group said it hopes “normalcy is achieved very soon” and that “the deans are reinstated.”

Turkish media reported last week that the country's higher education board demanded the resignations of 1,577 university deans, while the education ministry had fired 15,200 teachers across the country.

Authorities at the Interior Ministry dismissed nearly 9,000 employees, it has been reported, and the finance ministry fired 1,500 people. Hundreds more were fired in the religious affairs directorate, the family and social policy ministry and the prime minister's office.

In total, about 10,000 Turkish officials have been detained and another 50,000 have been suspended in less than two weeks.